French to EnglishLife

Dur Comme Fer – Lyrics Meaning in English – Francis Cabrel

Dur Comme Fer translates to ‘hard as iron’. With each verse, Cabrel explores the contrast between the grandiose pledges of the politician and the stark reality faced by the people. Despite the politician’s fervent assurances, there lingers a sense of cynicism and mistrust, as listeners grapple with the disparity between rhetoric and action.

Singer – Francis Cabrel

L’homme qui parlait, disait “je viens pour vous tondre”
J’étais déjà tondu, j’allais pas répondre
Tout ce qu’il nous promet depuis la tribune

The man who spoke said “I’m coming to shear you”
I was already shorn, I wasn’t going to answer
Everything he promises us from the platform

On attendra que ça tombe de la lune
Il est soulevé par la grâce, il dit qu’il va changer nos vies
Sous les dorures des palaces, on a juste peur qu’il oublie

We’ll wait for it to fall from the moon
He is lifted by grace, he says he will change our lives
Under the gilding of the palaces, we are just afraid that he will forget

L’homme qui parlait, pensait “je vais les sécher”
On était déjà sec, on n’a pas bronché
Quand tout est déjà noir, y’a plus rien à craindre

The man who spoke, thought “I’m going to dry them”
We were already dry, we didn’t flinch
When everything is already black, there’s nothing left to fear

Chez nous y’a que l’espoir qui reste à éteindre
Il a plein d’autres choses à faire, y’a tellement de miss météo
S’il pense à nous entre deux verres, ce sera aux horaires de bureau

Among us there’s only hope that remains to be extinguished
He has lots of other things to do, there are so many weather misses.
If he thinks about us between two drinks, it will be during office hours

C’est clair comme de l’eau
Il le jure dur comme fer
Partager le gros lot

It’s clear as water
He swears it as hard as iron
Share the jackpot

Ça il en fait son affaire
Ce sera l’eldorado, il a les six bons numéros
Plus le complémentaire

That’s his business
It will be the Eldorado, he has the six correct numbers
Plus the complementary

L’homme qui parlait, disait “je ne pense qu’à vous”
Je ne pense qu’à vous plumer, je l’avoue
Le père noël, Jésus, toutes ces histoires vous y avez cru

The man who spoke, said “I only think of you”
I only think of fleecing you, I admit it
Santa Claus, Jesus, all these stories you believed in them

Vous pouvez bien me croire
D’un coup d’œil à sa secrétaire, il a demandé de l’écho
Le même que pour Dieu le père, ce gars-là connait son boulot

You can believe me
From one glance at his secretary, he asked for an echo
The same as for God the father, this guy knows his job

C’est clair comme de l’eau
Il le jure dur comme fer
Partager le gros lot

It’s clear as water
He swears it as hard as iron
Share the jackpot

Ça il en fait son affaire
Ce sera l’eldorado, il a les six bons numéros
Plus le complémentaire

That’s his business
It will be the Eldorado, he has the six correct numbers
Plus the complementary

Il le jure dur comme fer
Ce sera l’eldorado
Il a les six bons numéros
Il le jure dur comme fer

He swears it as hard as iron
It will be the Eldorado
He has the six right numbers
He swears it as hard as iron

Et sa voix se perd dans l’écho
Et sa voix se perd dans l’écho
Et sa voix se perd dans l’écho
Et sa voix se perd dans l’écho

And his voice is lost in the echo
And his voice is lost in the echo
And his voice is lost in the echo
And his voice is lost in the echo

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