ExFrench to EnglishLove

Feel Good – Lyrics Meaning in English – Julien Granel

Before finally letting go off things, the singer wants to feel good and enjoy the last few moments, just like any tightrope walker would do on a thread. He is now scared to love anybody anymore. 

Singer – Julien Granel

Feel Good
Feel Good
Feel Good
Tu m’as quittée

Feel Good
Feel Good
Feel Good
You left me

Je t’ai quitté
On c’est brisé le coeur
Tellement qu’on a l’air d’inconnu
Le monde est malade et

I left you
We broke our hearts
So much that we seem like strangers
The world is sick and

Nos erreurs
Pourtant on nous avais prévenu
Tu sais j’ai envie
Mais je pleure et j’ai peur aussi

Our mistakes
Yet we were warned
You know I want
But I’m crying and I’m also scared

De l’amour
J’veux juste un peu de feel good
Promis demain je lache tout
Funembule sur un fil rouge

Of love
I just want a little feel good
I promise tomorrow I’ll let go of everything
Tightrope on a red thread

Feel good
J’veux juste un peu de feel good
Promis demain je lache tout
Funembule sur un fil rouge

Feel good
I just want a little feel good
I promise tomorrow I’ll let go of everything
Tightrope on a red thread

Feel good
J’veux juste un peut de feel good
Feel good

Feel good
I just want a bit of feel good
Feel good

Et si c’était moi la star du film
J’pairaie plus l’entrée au cinéma
Si t’avais su lire entre les ligne
T’aurais su que je parlais de toi

And if I was the star of the movie 
I won’t go to the cinema anymore
If you had known how to read between the lines 
You would’ve known that I am talking about you 

Tu sais j’ai envie
Mais je pleure et j’ai peur aussi
De l’amour
J’veux juste un peu de feel good

You know I want
But I cry and I am scared too
Of love
I want a little feel good

Promis demain je lache tout
Funembule sur un fil rouge
Feel good
J’veux juste un peu de feel good

I promise tomorrow I will drop everything
Tightrope on a red thread
Feel good
I just want a little feel good

Promis demain je lache tout
Funembule sur un fil rouge
Feel good
J’veux juste un peut de feel good

I promise tomorrow I will drop everything
Tightrope on a red thread
Feel good
I just want a little feel good

Feel good
(Feel good, feel good, feel good)
Trop tard j’peux plus faire demie tour
J’était plus vraiment moi quand on essayais d’être nous

Feel good
(Feel good, feel good, feel good)
Too late, I can no longer turn around
I wasn’t really me when we tried to be us

Feel good (feel good)
Feel good (feel good)
J’cherche le fil rouge (feel good)
Feel good (aaaaah)

Feel good (feel good)
Feel good (feel good)
I am looking for the red thread (feel good)
Feel good (aaaaah)

(Feel good, feel good, feel good, feel good)
Tu sais j’ai envie
Mais je pleure et j’ai peur aussi
De l’amour

(Feel good, feel good, feel good, feel good)
You know I want to
But I’m crying and I’m also afraid
Of love

Feel good
Feel good
J’veux juste un peu de feel good
Promis demain je lache tout

Feel good
Feel good
I just want a little feel good
I promise tomorrow I’ll drop everything

Funembule sur un fil rouge
Feel good
J’veux juste un peu de feel good
Promis demain je lache tout

Tightrope walker on a red thread
Feel good
I just want a little feel good
Promised tomorrow I’ll drop everything

Funembule sur un fil rouge
Feel good
J’veux juste un peut de feel good
Feel good

Tightrope walker on a red thread
Feel good
I just want a bit of feel good
Feel good

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