French to EnglishLove

Nancy – Lyrics Meaning in English – Arthur H

The song depicts a scene by the sea at night, where the singer expresses the beauty of the surroundings. There’s a sense of longing and nostalgia as the singer imagines seeing someone named Nancy.

Singer – Arthur H

Nancy si tu savais
Comme la mer est belle ce soir
Quand la lune s’est levée
J’ai cru t’apercevoir

Nancy if you knew
How beautiful the sea is this evening
When the moon rose
I thought I saw you

Sur le sentier
L’étoile filante s’est sauvée
Hors de tout regard
Les yeux fermés j’ai brodé

On the path
The shooting star fled
Out of sight
With my eyes closed I embroidered

Les fils d’or de ton corps
La nuit a divulgué
Tes audaces dissimulées
La nuit a désarmé

The threads of the gold of your body
The night revealed
Your hidden audacity
The night disarmed

Mes rêves les mieux gardés
Nancy si tu savais
Comme la mer est belle ce soir
Quand la lune s’est levée

My best-kept dreams
Nancy if you knew
How beautiful the sea is this evening
When the moon rose

J’ai cru t’apercevoir
Au loin danser
Nancy c’est lent, c’est lancinant
Nancy Nancy c’est si lent, si lancinant

I thought I saw you
Dancing in the distance
Nancy it’s slow, it’s throbbing
Nancy, Nancy, it’s so slow, so throbbing

Tu as déjà mise ta robe blanche
Et ton visage resplendi
Allongée comme évanouie

You’ve already put on your white dress
And your face is glowing
Lying down as if fainted

J’imagine que tu souris
Comme dit Rimbaud à peu près
L’Éternité, quoi, est retrouvée
O bel Arthur le supplice est sûr

I imagine that you’re smiling
As Rimbaud says about
The eternity, what, is found
O beautiful Arthur the torture is sure

Nancy s’en est allée, au loin danser
Nancy c’est lent, c’est lancinant
Nancy Nancy c’est si lent, si lancinant

Nancy is gone, in the distance dancing
Nancy it’s slow, it’s throbbing
Nancy, Nancy, it’s so slow, so throbbing

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