French to EnglishLove

Les Yeux Ouverts – Lyrics Meaning in English – The Beautiful South

“Les Yeux Ouverts”, translated as “Dreaming with Open Eyes,” is a poignant song by the Beautiful South that captures the essence of longing, nostalgia, and hopefulness. With heartfelt lyrics and a melodic tune, the song navigates through the complexities of memories, love, and the anticipation of tomorrow.

Singer – The Beautiful South

Ce souvenir je te le rends.
Des souvenirs, tu sais j’en ai tellement.
Puisqu’on repart toujours à zéro.
Pas la peine de s’charger trop…

This memory I return to you.
Memories, you know I have so many.
Since we always start from zero.
No need to take on too much…

Ce souvenir je te le prends.
Des souvenirs, comme ca j’en veux tout le temps.
Si par erreur la vie nous separe,
J’le sortirai d’mon tiroir.

This memory I take from you.
Memories, like that I want them all the time.
If by mistake life separates us,
I will take it out of my drawer.

J’rêve les yeux ouverts.
Ca m’fait do bien.
Ca ne va pas plus loin.

I dream with my eyes open.
It makes me feel good.
It doesn’t go any further.

J’veux pas voir derriere
Puisque j’en viens.
Vivement demain.

I don’t want to see behind
Since I’m coming from there.
Looking forward to tomorrow.

Mon bonheur te resemble
Tous les deux vous allez si bien ensemble
Je te l’dirai jamais, jamais assez
Tout ce que tu fais, m’fait d’ effet

My happiness resembles you
Both of you go so well together
I will never, never tell you enough
Everything you do has an effect on me

J’rêve les yeux ouverts.
Ca m’fait do bien.
Ca ne va pas plus loin.

I dream with my eyes open.
It makes me feel good.
It doesn’t go any further.

J’veux pas voir derriere
Puisque j’en viens.
Vivement demain.

I don’t want to see behind
Since I’m coming from there.
Looking forward to tomorrow.

Un dernier verre de sherry.
do sherry mon amour quand je m’ennuie.
Tous les jours se ressemblent a present.
Tu me manques terriblement…

A last glass of sherry.
Do sherry my love when I’m bored.
Every day is the same now.
I miss you terribly…

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