French to EnglishLove

En Nuit – Lyrics Meaning in English – Videoclub

En Nuit translates to ‘at night’. This song is a reflection on the passage of time and the experiences shared between two individuals. It highlights the significance of moments spent together, from peaceful nights to passionate encounters. There’s a desire to overcome challenges and find strength in unity.

Singer – Videoclub

Et moi, j’écris le temps qui passe
Et toi, tu vis tout c’qu’on s’est dit
La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage
Dans les rues sombres, on bat l’ennui

And I write the time that passes
And you, you live everything we said to each other
The night, the moon, the fire, the storm
In the dark streets, we beat boredom

C’est dans ta tête que tout s’efface
Les bons moments, mes fautes, ta rage
Et on s’rejoint à la sonnerie
Crier l’espoir, la nostalgie

It’s in your head everything fades
The good times, my faults, your rage
And we join together at the ringtone
Screaming hope, nostalgia

J’aimerais baisser tes yeux douteux
J’aimerais chasser ta nostalgie
Relever ta tête, sois courageux
À deux, on est plus forts que l’ennui

I would like to lower your doubtful eyes
I would like to chase away your nostalgia
Raise your head, be courageous
Together, we are stronger than boredom

J’aimerais baisser tes yeux douteux
J’aimerais chasser ta nostalgie
Relever ta tête, sois courageux
À deux, on est plus forts que l’ennui

I would like to lower your doubtful eyes
I would like to chase away your nostalgia
Raise your head, be courageous
To two, we are stronger than boredom

Embrasser ma solitude
Avec lui, seulement
Paradoxe et plénitude
Avec toi, doucement

Embrace my solitude
With him, only
Paradox and fullness
With you, gently

Parcourir la ville
Dans la nuit, le vent
Allongés, immobiles
Combattre le temps

Roam the city
In the night, the wind
Lying, motionless
Fighting time

Grimper, courir
Avec toi, fuyant
Sauter, danser
Dans la pluie, souvent

Climbing, running
With you, fleeing
Jumping, dancing
In the rain, often

Pleurer, ternir
Puis partir longtemps
Fuir l’ennui
Juste un instant

Crying, tarnishing
Then leaving for a long time
Escape boredom
Just for a moment

J’aimerais baisser tes yeux douteux
J’aimerais chasser ta nostalgie
Relever ta tête, sois courageux
À deux, on est plus forts que l’ennui

I would like to lower your doubtful eyes
I would like to chase away your nostalgia
Raise your head, be courageous
Together, we are stronger than boredom

J’aimerais baisser tes yeux douteux
J’aimerais chasser ta nostalgie
Relever ta tête, sois courageux
À deux, on est plus forts que l’ennui

I would like to lower your doubtful eyes
I would like to chase away your nostalgia
Raise your head, be courageous
To two, we are stronger than boredom

Les gens te lassent
Tout devient gris
Tes larmes me tracassent
Dans le soir puis dans la nuit

People tire you
Everything turns grey
Your tears bother me
In the evening then in the night

Puis finalement, il n’y a que toi
Tes souvenirs, ton cœur en manque
Alors tu pleures et tu effaces
Le temps qui passe, celui qui lasse

Then finally, there is only you
Your memories, your heart misses them
So you cry and you erase
The time that passes, the one that tires

J’aimerais baisser tes yeux douteux
J’aimerais chasser ta nostalgie
Relever ta tête, sois courageux
À deux, on est plus forts que l’ennui

I would like to lower your doubtful eyes
I would like to chase away your nostalgia
Raise your head, be courageous
Together, we are stronger than boredom

J’aimerais baisser tes yeux douteux
J’aimerais chasser ta nostalgie
Relever ta tête, sois courageux
À deux, on est plus forts que l’ennui

I would like to lower your doubtful eyes
I would like to chase away your nostalgia
Raise your head, be courageous
To two, we are stronger than boredom

La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage
La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage
La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage
La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage

Night, moon, fire, storm
Night, moon, fire, storm
Night, moon, fire, storm
Night, moon, fire, storm

La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage
La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage
La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage
La nuit, la lune, le feu, l’orage

Night, moon, fire, storm
Night, moon, fire, storm
Night, moon, fire, storm
Night, moon, fire, storm

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