French to EnglishFun

Crazy – Lyrics Meaning in English – K.Maro

The song portrays a wild and energetic atmosphere at a party, with the singer expressing excitement and enjoyment. He describes feeling exhilarated and somewhat overwhelmed by the atmosphere and the antics of the boy (himself??) he’s referring to.

Singer – K.Maro

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin’ baby
He got me losin’ my mind
He got me losin’ my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freaking baby
He got me losing my mind
He got me losing my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Je n’ai pas la moindre idée de ce que tu sais sur moi
Pas la moindre idée de ce que tu veux de moi
J’ai la sale manie de faire parler de moi
Quand je veille tard et que je passe d’ici à là

I don’t have the slightest idea of ​​what you know about me.
I don’t have the slightest idea of ​​what you want from me.
I have a nasty habit of making people talk about me.
When I stay up late and go from here to there.

Une bonne soirée à l’ancienne K.Pone inc
Allez lady à la tienne come on in
C’est parfait pour te faire remarquer, c’est mon show
Baby sers-toi c’est ton sceau

A good old fashioned evening K.Pone inc
Come on lady come on in
It’s perfect to get you noticed, it’s my show
Baby help yourself it’s your seal

Welcome dans mon monde si tu party
Welcome parmi nous si t’es naughty
Damn girl you’re such a hottie
Let’s get down, let’s get dirty

Welcome to my world if you party
Welcome among us if you’re naughty
Damn girl you’re such a hottie
Let’s get down, let’s get dirty

Pop le champagne tout le monde est servi
Il faut que ça lève à ma manière c’est party
Il faut que mes people dance et dance, dance
Ce soir je vous rends dingue, on bounce, on bounce, come on

Pop the champagne everyone is served
It has to rise in my way it’s party
My people have to dance and dance, dance
Tonight I drive you crazy, we bounce, we bounce, come on

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin’ baby
He got me losin’ my mind
He got me losin’ my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freaking baby
He got me losing my mind
He got me losing my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Si tu ne savais peut-être pas encore comment c’est
Si tu ne savais peut-être pas encore comment on le fait
C’est mon party baby et c’est dirty baby
C’est du fashion baby, soit sexy baby

If you perhaps didn’t yet know how it is
If you perhaps didn’t yet know how we do it
It’s my party baby and it’s dirty baby
It’s fashion baby, be sexy baby

Tous les mecs en Baalbeck et tout est dans le style
Fais un effort ce soir t’es une queen dans la ville
Tout le monde est là ce soir
Tout le monde est star ce soir

All the guys in Baalbeck and everything is in style
Make an effort tonight you’re a queen in the city
Everyone is here tonight
Everyone is a star tonight

Il faut que ça reste gravé dans nos mémoires
Passe le Courvoisier, un double s’il vous plaît
Sers mes invités et sors les cadeaux
C’est les sacs surprises de K-maro

It has to stay etched in our memories
Pass the Courvoisier, a double please
Serve my guests and take out the gifts
It’s the K-maro surprise bags

Tout le monde repart avec des souvenirs
Tout le monde a hâte déjà de revenir
Pour ma part c’était parfait
Du beau monde, du bon son so let’s get dirty

Everyone leaves with souvenirs
Everyone is already looking forward to coming back
For my part it was perfect
Beautiful people, good sound so let’s get dirty

Pop le champagne tout le monde est servi
Il faut que ça lève à ma manière c’est party
Il faut que mes people dance et dance, dance
Ce soir je vous rends dingue, on bounce, on bounce, come on

Pop the champagne everyone is served
It has to rise in my way it’s party
My people have to dance and dance, dance
Tonight I’m driving you crazy, we bounce, we bounce, come on

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin’ baby
He got me losin’ my mind
He got me losin’ my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freaking baby
He got me losing my mind
He got me losing my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Ce qu’on va faire live ici
C’est changer de cap un petit peu
On change l’atmosphère

What we’re going to do live here
Is change direction a little bit
We change the atmosphere

Just give somethin’ to go crazy about
Come on girl

Just give something to go crazy about
Come on girl

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin’ baby
He got me losin’ my mind
He got me losin’ my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freaking baby
He got me losing my mind
He got me losing my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin’ baby
He got me losin’ my mind
He got me losin’ my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freaking baby
He got me losing my mind
He got me losing my mind

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can’t get enough
No I just can’t get enough

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