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Un Millón de Primaveras– Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

In this song, the singer is addressing a woman who seems to be annoyed by everything around her, such as his presence and his songs, and the dog who barks to greet her. He tells her that he has almost forgotten her, he just needs a million more springs to get her out of his mind. 

Singer: Vicente Fernández  

Te molesta si te hablo de mi amor 
Y me pides por favor olvide el tema 
Y que cambie la letra de mis canciones 
Y tu nombre quite ya mis poemas 

It bothers you if I talk to you about my love 
And you ask me to please forget the subject 
And to change the lyrics of my songs 
And remove your name from my poems 

Te molesta aguanta por favor 
Te lo juro estoy a punto de olvidarte 

It bothers you, please wait 
I swear I’m on the verge of forgetting you 

Solo falta un millón de primaveras 
Unos cuantos siglos solo he de adorarte 
Solo falta un millón de primaveras 
Después de eso ya no vuelvo a molestarte 

I only need a million springs 
A few centuries of only adoring you 
I only need a million springs 
After that I won’t come back to bother you 

Oh, no, no volveré a cantarte 
Si te molesta, si te molesta 

Oh, no, I won’t sing to you again 
If it bothers you, if it bothers you 

Te molesta el perro que ladró 
De alegría anunciando tu llegada 
Y me dices que ese perro está loco 
Que le ladra a la persona equivocada 

The dog that barked bothered you 
Announcing your arrival happily 
And you tell me that dog is crazy 
That it barks at the wrong person 

Yo te digo por favor aguanta un poco 
Ten paciencia no le des otra pedrada 

I tell you please hold on a bit 
Have patience, don’t throw another stone at him 

Oh, no, no volverá a ladrarte 
Si te molesta, si te molesta 
Si te molesta, si te molesta 

Oh, no, he won’t bark at you again 
If it bothers you, if it bothers you 
If it bothers you, if it bothers you 

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