French to EnglishLove

Rien A Change – Lyrics Meaning in English – Dixiss

Rien A Change means “nothing has changed”. The singer says that no other girl but she could change his bad habits. He could feel the terrible thing happening to him upon having seen his girl cry. It was when he decides to change when things get wrong and they part ways.

Singer – Dixiss

Au début ça se passe bien
Tu dis “ouais, pourquoi pas essayer d’être un mec bien”
Tu te poses, tu fais les choses bien
Fini les vieilles histoires, se comporter comme un chien

At first it’s going well
You say “yeah, why not try to be a good guy”
You settle down, you do things well
No more old stories, behaving like a dog

T’as grandi, la routine te tend les bras
Tu satures
T’as muri, le futur tu le vois de loin
Tu perdures

You have grown up, the routine reaches out to you
You saturate
You have matured, the future you see it from afar
You endure

Je te parle de plein de choses
Frère, j’ai pas toujours été correct avec de belles blondes
Et quand j’étais seul
Je me disais mais pourquoi moi, j’suis pas si chien, putain ça me rend yong
Igo, j’ai perdu
Sur ces joues j’ai vu couler des larmes et je m’en suis voulu
J’ai pas assuré
Mes erreurs je les regrette mais je peux pas changer le passé

I’m talking to you about a lot of things
Brother, I haven’t always been correct with beautiful blondes
And when I was alone
I said to myself but why me, I’m not such a dog, damn it makes me young
Ego, I have lost
On these cheeks I saw tears flowing and I blamed myself for it
I didn’t make sure
My mistakes I regret them but I can’t change the past

Tu sais qu’on s’aimait fort
Je t’en ai causé du tort
Mais y a rien qui a changé
Pourtant je faisais des efforts

You know we loved each other very much
I hurt you
But nothing has changed
Yet I was trying

Tu sais qu’on s’aimait fort
Je t’en ai causé du tort
Mais y a rien qui a changé
Pourtant je faisais des efforts

You know we loved each other very much
I hurt you
But nothing has changed
Yet I was trying

Tu sais qu’on s’aimait fort
Je t’en ai causé du tort
Mais y a rien qui a changé
(Pourtant je faisais des efforts)

You know we loved each other very much
I hurt you
But nothing has changed
(Yet I was trying)

Tous les jours j’entends tes mots
Mal à la tête mais la chose la plus dure
C’est que j’ai tout fait pour te perdre, tu sais
Aux sentiments on se fait du mal
Ma go, ma go j’y croyais pas

Every day I hear your words
Headache but the hardest thing
I did everything to lose you, you know
We hurt each other’s feelings
My go, my go I couldn’t believe it

À croire que j’ai pas de chance
J’ai pé-sto mes conneries pour toi, éteint mes soupapes
Y a rien qui a changé à part mes sentiments
Tu sais, ma fierté s’est efface

To believe that I have no luck
I stopped my bullshit for you, turn off my valves
Nothing has changed except my feelings
You know, my pride has faded

J’avais tout stoppé
Je voulais un bébé
Je t’ai mis sur le té-cô
Devant mes potes je faisais le thug
Mais sur ma vie que je suis tombé love

I had stopped everything
I wanted a baby
I put you on the tee-side
In front of my friends I was doing the thug
But on my life that I fell in love

Tu sais qu’on s’aimait fort
Je t’en ai causé du tort
Mais y a rien qui a changé
Pourtant je faisais des efforts

You know we loved each other very much
I hurt you
But nothing has changed
Yet I was trying

Tu sais qu’on s’aimait fort
Je t’en ai causé du tort
Mais y a rien qui a changé
Pourtant je faisais des efforts

You know we loved each other very much
I hurt you
But nothing has changed
Yet I was trying

Tu sais qu’on s’aimait fort
Je t’en ai causé du tort
Mais y a rien qui a changé
Pourtant je faisais des efforts

You know we loved each other very much
I hurt you
But nothing has changed
Yet I was trying

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