LoveSpanish to English

Contigo – Lyrics Meaning in English – Antonio José

Antonio José’s ‘Contigo’ (With You) celebrates the joy and fulfillment found in being with a loved one. The song captures the essence of happiness and contentment experienced when sharing life with a cherished partner.

Singer: Antonio José

Si cuento las veces que he estado pegado a tu cuerpo
Es posible, créeme no exagero, me sobra algún dedo
La primera vez fue fiel, fue más que un sueño

If I count the times I’ve been close to your body
It’s possible, believe me, I’m not exaggerating, I have some fingers left
The first time was faithful, it was more than a dream

La segunda vez, fue más que incendio
Yo no sé si esta historia es normal
O es que somos distintos
Solo sé amor, que cuando nos vemos
Se prende el instinto

The second time, it was more than fire
I don’t know if this story is normal
Or if we’re different
All I know, love, is that when we see each other
Instinct ignites

Y ahora digo yo
La tercera vez cogimos el cielo en un suspiro
Ay amor
Si tú supieras que

And now I say
The third time, we reached heaven in a sigh
Oh love
If you only knew that

Me quedo contigo, de aquí al infinito
Sin ti solo vivo, sin ti siento frío
No sé si me explico todo esto que siento
Lo quiero contigo
Me quedo contigo, nos sobran motivos
Hoy tiene sentido y somos destino
Lo digo sin miedo y tu delante y aquí desnuda
No hay duda
Yo, me quedo contigo!
Mi amor!

I stay with you, from here to infinity
Without you, I only live, without you, I feel cold
I don’t know if I explain all this I feel
I want it with you
I stay with you, we have more than enough reasons
Today it makes sense, and we are destiny
I say it without fear, with you in front and here naked
No doubt
I, I stay with you!
My love!

Ahora sé que tan solo hay un paso del roce al cariño
Que de tanto buscarnos las ganas, tú y yo nos fundimos

Now I know that there’s only one step from touch to affection
That from so much searching for each other, you and I merge

Y ahora digo yo
Ahora ya me ves rendido, hablándote al oído
Ay mi amor
Si tú supieras que

And now I say
Now you see me surrendered, speaking to you softly
Oh my love
If you only knew that

Me quedo contigo, de aquí al infinito
Sin ti solo vivo, sin ti siento frío
No sé si me explico todo esto que siento
Lo quiero contigo
Me quedo contigo, nos sobran motivos
Hoy tiene sentido, y somos destino
Lo digo sin miedo y tu delante y aquí desnuda
No hay duda
Yo, me quedo contigo!
Mi amor!
Me quedo contigo!
Me quedo contigo!
Yo me quedo contigo

I stay with you, from here to infinity
Without you, I only live, without you, I feel cold
I don’t know if I explain all this I feel
I want it with you
I stay with you, we have more than enough reasons
Today it makes sense, and we are destiny
I say it without fear, with you in front and here naked
No doubt
I, I stay with you!
My love!
I stay with you!
I stay with you!
I stay with you!

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