French to EnglishLife

Bambino – Lyrics Meaning in English – Bellboy

Bambino translates to ‘baby/child’. The lyrics of the song reflect on the passage of time and the changes that come with it. The singer observes the growth and decay in his kingdom, using the metaphor of a withering “childish heart.” 

Singer – Bellboy

Je regarde pousser les fleurs sur mon royaume
Le temps a fait faner mon cœur de bambino
Un enfant marche dans mon dos comme un fantôme
La musique passe à la radio

I watch the flowers grow in my kingdom
Time has made my bambino heart wither
A child walks behind my back like a ghost
Music is playing on the radio

On me l’avait pourtant bien dit
Il ne va rester que tes cendres
Je n’sais plus à quoi tu ressembles
Tu me fuis petit à petit

However, I was told
That only your ashes will remain
I no longer know what you look like
You are running away from me little by little

Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble encore?
Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble?
Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble encore?

Do you think we still look alike?
Do you think we look alike?
Do you think we still look alike?

À travers les yeux de mon enfant fantôme
Je devine l’ombre des ruines d’un vieux royaume
Mon rêve s’éteint sans faire un bruit non sono piu
Je n’sais plus où est mon château

Through the eyes of my ghost child
I sense the shadow of the ruins of an old kingdom
My dream fades away without making a sound no more
I no longer know where my castle is

Le temps en a déjà trop dit
Pourquoi on n’se voit pas grandir?
Au fond de moi, tu dois dormir
Je t’oublie petit à petit

Time has already said too much
Why do we can’t see yourself growing?
Deep inside me, you must be sleeping
I’m forgetting you little by little

Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble encore?

Do you think we still look alike?

Nous chérissons des cendres
Mais crois-tu qu’elles nous aident encore?

We cherish ashes
But do you think they still help us?

Les années se ressemblent et nos souvenirs s’évaporent

The years are the same and our memories evaporate

Je devine que tu trembles, mais toi me devines-tu encore?

I guess you’re trembling, but can you still guess me?

Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble?
Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble encore?

Do you think we look alike?
Do you think we still look alike?

Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble?
Crois-tu qu’on se ressemble encore?

Do you think we look alike?
Do you think we still look alike?

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