French to EnglishLife

Wahrani – Lyrics Meaning in English – Anas

The singer makes it all worth the while. He defines himself as a true lion and refrains from being taken as anything as random as a stuntman. He talks of how deceptive people can be throughout the various walks. 

Singer – Anas

J’ai les mapess, les tala
Les élastiques leurs font des câlins
J’suis en buggy loin des HLM

I have the map, the lock
The rubber bands hug them
I’m in a buggy far from the HLM

Autour du cou du 24 carats
Tu les vois en Gucci Dior, Dior
Quand c’est l’addition il se tord, il se tord

Around the neck of 24 carats
You see them in Gucci Dior, Dior
When it’s the bill it twists, it twists

Tu les vois en Gucci Dior, Dior
Quand c’est l’addition il se tord, il se tord
Non faut pas les écouter, bébé

You see them in Gucci Dior, Dior
When it’s the bill he twists, he twists
No you mustn’t listen to them, baby

C’est des tocards on connait, bébé
J’perds plus mon temps
Vaut mieux pas les côtoyer, bébé, nan

They’re losers we know, baby
I’m wasting my time
Better not rub shoulders with them, baby, nah

Palala, palala, palala
Palala, palala, palala

Crap, Crap, Crap
Crap, Crap, Crap

J’suis wahrani, pas barani
J’suis wahrani, j’ressens ton vice
J’suis wahrani, pas barani
J’suis wahrani, j’ressens ton vice

I’m a lion, not stuntman
I’m a lion, I feel your vice
I’m a lion, not barani
I’m a lion, I feel your vice

Frontière, fennec
Barrage, militaires
Normal chez nous, inspi de fou
Moteur, quatre pots

Border, fennec
Barrage, military
Normal with us, inspired by crazy
Engine, four exhausts

Corniches, bateaux
Fi bledi wahdi
Tu croyais que c’était moi mais bébé tu t’étais trompé

Cornices, boats
In my dedicated country
You thought it was me but baby you were wrong

J’suis un DZ j’suis fou j’ai le caractère trempé
Qui ne tente rien n’a rien les jaloux laisse parler
Niya tu les as cru mais c’était eux qui mentaient
Tu croyais que c’était moi mais bébé tu t’étais trompé

I’m a DZ, I’m crazy, I have a tempered temper
Who tries nothing, has nothing, the jealous ones, let
He talked, you believed them but it was them who were lying
You believed it was me, but baby you I was cheated

J’suis un DZ j’suis fou j’ai le caractère trempé
Qui ne tente rien n’a rien les jaloux laisse parler
Niya tu les as cru mais c’était eux qui mentaient

I’m a DZ I’m crazy I have a tempered temper
Who doesn’t try anything has nothing the jealous let
He talked, you believed them but it was them who were lying

Palala, palala, palala
Palala, palala, palala

Crap, Crap, Crap
Crap, Crap, Crap

J’suis wahrani, pas barani
J’suis wahrani, j’ressens ton vice
J’suis wahrani, pas barani
J’suis wahrani, j’ressens ton vice

I’m a lion, not stuntman
I’m a lion, I feel your vice
I’m a lion, not barani
I’m a lion, I feel your vice

Palala, palala, palala
Palala, palala, palala
J’suis dans mes bails, bails, bails

Crap, crap, crap
Crap, crap, crap
I’m in my bails, bails, bails

Elle veut mes
J’suis dans mes bails, bails, bails
J’ressens ton vice

She wants my
I’m in my bails, bails, bails
I feel your vice

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