French to EnglishFun

Summer in Paris – Lyrics meaning in English – Bea Parks, Garo Nahoulakian, Oliver Charles Horton

French culture and its diverse communicative folks are represented in this song. It teaches us a lot about the common yet impactful words to use in French that can win hearts! 

Singer – Bea Parks, Garo Nahoulakian, Oliver Charles Horton 

I say “oui” 
You say “merci” 
A s’il vous plait goes a long way 
No, not at all 

I say “yes” 
You say “thank you” 
A “please” goes a long way 
No, not at all 

I say, “salut” (salut!)  
And how are you (et vous?)  
Bonjour! (hello!)  
Bon soirée! (goodnight!)  
Ça va (ça va!)  
Ça va bien (ça va!) 

I say hi (hi!) 
And how are you (are you?) 
Good morning! (hello!) 
Good evening! (goodnight) 
Okay (okay!) 
It’s fine (okay!) 

Oh pardon  
Pas de soucis  
C’est ne pas  
Je ne sais pas  

Excuse me 
Oh I’m sorry 
No problem 
It’s not 
I do not know 
Excuse me 

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