ExFrench to EnglishLife

Speed – Lyrics Meaning in English – Zazie

The dynamism behind the story of this song is to encourage one to not stop back for anything in life. It is tough, yet, practically, never impossible to have the notion of moving on.

Singer – Zazie

Depuis le temps que tu dors
Ça fait des mois
Des mois que tu hibernes
Que tu sors pas de ta caverne
T’as beau tout faire pour le cacher
Sous tes airs d’ours mal léché

Since you’ve been sleeping
Its been months
You’ve been hibernating for months
That you don’t come out of your cave
No matter how much you do to hide it
Beneath your badly licked bear looks

Tu vibres encore
Tu vibres encore
Allez, debout, allez, sors
Je te sens battre au fond de moi
T’es pas tout neuf mais pas si vieux
Non, t’es flambant vieux

You’re still vibrating
You’re still vibrating
Come on, get up, come on, get out
I feel you beating inside me
You’re not brand new but not so old
No, you’re brand new

Et tu speed encore
Oui, tu speed encore
Réveille-toi, fais pas le mort
L’univers ne s’arrête pas
Parce qu’on n’a plus voulu de toi

And you’re still speeding
Yes, you’re still speeding
Wake up, don’t play dead
The universe doesn’t stop
Because we didn’t want you anymore

Allez, hop
Tu es libre alors
Oui, libre encore
Allez, quitte ce corsage
Bats plus vite que ton âge
Sors de ta cage

Come on, hop
You’re free then
Yes, free again
Come on, take off that bodice
Beat faster than your age
Get out of your cage

Allez, hop
Speed encore
Speed encore
Bats, mon cœur
Cogne et sors
De ce corps

Come on, hop
Beat, my heart
Knocks and gets out
Of this body

Allez, hop
Speed encore
Speed encore
Bats, mon cœur
Et sors
De ce corps

Come on, hop
Beat, my heart
Knocks and gets out
Of this body

Allez, hop
Speed encore
Mon cœur, sors
De ce corps
Allez, hop

Come on, hop
My heart, get out
Get out
Of this body
Come on, hop

Allez, hop
Speed encore

Come on, hop

Allez, hop
Allez, hop
Oh, allez, whoa
Allez, hop
Oh, allez, whoa
Allez, hop
Oh, allez, whoa
Allez, hop
Oh, allez, whoa
Allez, hop

Come on, hop
Come on, hop
Oh, come on, whoa
Come on, hop
Oh, come on, whoa
Come on, hop
Oh, come on, whoa
Come on, hop
Oh, come on, whoa
Come on, hop

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