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Qui Saura – Lyrics Meaning in English – Mike Brant

Qui Saura means “who will know”. This age-old song thrifts the impact of negativity on life. The singer fails to believe in love and happiness anymore.

Singer – Mike Brant

Vous mes amis tant de fois vous me dites
Que d’ici peu je ne serai plus triste
J’aimerais bien vous croire un jour, mais
J’en doute avec raison
Essayez de répondre à ma question

You my friends so many times you tell me
That soon I won’t be sad anymore
I would like to believe you one day, but
I doubt it with reason
Try to answer my question

Qui saura, qui saura, qui saura
Qui saura me faire oublier dites moi
Ma seule raison de vivre, essayez de me le dire
Qui saura, qui saura oui qui saura

Who will know, who will know, who will know
Who will be able to make me forget tell me
My only reason for living, try to tell me
Who will know, who will know yes who will know

Vous mes amis essayez de comprendre
Une seule fille au monde peut me rendre
Tout ce que j’ai perdu et je le sais
Qu’elle ne reviendra pas
Alors si vous pouvez dites le moi

You my friends are trying to understand
Only one girl in the world can give me back
Everything I’ve lost and I know
She won’t come back
So if you can tell me

Qui saura, qui saura, qui saura
Qui saura me faire revivre d’autres joies
Je n’avais qu’elle sur terre et sans elle
Ma vie entière je sais bien que le bonheur n’existe pas

Who will know, who will know, who will know
Who will be able to make me relive other joys
I only had her on earth and without her
My whole life I know well that happiness does not exist

Vous mes amis le soleil vous inonde
Vous dites que je sortirai de l’ombre
J’aimerais bien vous croire, oui
Mais mon cœur y renonce
Ma question reste toujours sans réponse

You my friends the sun floods you
You say I’ll come out of the shadows
I would like to believe you, yes
But my heart gives up
My question still remains unanswered

Qui saura, qui saura, qui saura
Qui saura me faire oublier dites-moi
Ma seule raison de vivre
Essayez de me le dire
Qui saura, qui saura, qui saura

Who will know, who will know, who will know
Who will know how to make me forget tell me
My only reason for living
Try to tell me
Who will know, who will know, who will know

Qui saura, qui saura, qui saura
Qui saura me faire revivre d’autres joies
Je n’avais qu’elle sur Terre
Et sans elle, ma vie entière
Je sais bien que le bonheur n’existe pas

Who will know, who will know, who will know
Who will be able to make me relive other joys
I only had her on Earth
And without her, my whole life
I know very well that happiness does not exist

Qui saura, qui saura, qui saura
Qui saura me faire oublier dites moi
Ma seule raison de vivre
Essayez de me le dire
Qui saura, qui saura

Who will know, who will know, who will know
Who will know how to make me forget tell me
My only reason for living
Try to tell me
Who will know, who will know

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