French to EnglishLife

L’homme Qui Court – Lyrics Meaning in English – Axel Bauer

L’homme Qui Court means ‘the running man’. The story is of a man on the run, seeking freedom and redemption. The lyrics express his desire to escape his troubled past, find love, and ultimately, discover his true self. The song combines rock and pop elements, creating an emotional journey through music.

Singer – Axel Bauer

Il a brulé sa maison
Sur un simple coup de tête
L’homme qui court sans raison
Là-haut sur la ligne de crête

He burned his house
On a whim
The man who runs for no reason
Up on the ridge line

Il a franchi la colline
Il voulait juste voir derrière
Si l’herbe ailleurs était plus fine
Et si l’eau était plus claire

He crossed the hill
He just wanted to see
If the grass elsewhere was finer
And if the water was clearer

Un homme qui court après sa vie
Ça vaut tous les discours et les théories

A man chasing his life
It’s worth all the speeches and theories

Et cet homme qui court toujours, dort au petit matin
Au bord des routes, il suit son long chemin
Sous les étoiles il doute, ignore vers où ses pas l’entrainent
Un paradis ou seulement lui-même?

And this man who always runs, sleeps in the early morning
At the side of the roads, he follows his long path
Under the stars he doubts, does not know where his steps are leading him
A paradise or only himself?

Bien sûr il sait tout ce qu’il laisse
L’argent, l’amour, le confort
Il sait surtout que le temps presse
Que s’il s’arrête, il est mort

Of course he knows everything he leaves behind
Money, love, comfort
He knows above all that time is running out
That if he stops, he is dead

Et cette vie d’incertitude
Lui a au moins appris ceci
Tu n’aimeras pas ta solitude
Juste en restant assis

And this life of uncertainty
Has at least taught him this
You won’t like your loneliness
Just by sitting still

Un homme qui court après sa vie
Ça vaut tous les discours, les grandes théories

A man chasing his life
It’s worth all the speeches, the big theories

Et cet homme qui court toujours, dort au petit matin
Au bord des routes, il suit son long chemin
Sous les étoiles il doute, ignore vers où ses pas l’entrainent
Un paradis ou seulement lui-même?

And this man who always runs, sleeps in the early morning
At the side of the roads, he follows his long path
Under the stars he doubts, does not know where his steps are leading him
A paradise or only himself?

Un enfant joue, une femme sourit
Et l’homme qui a couru toute sa vie
Serait peut-être heureux ici

A child plays, a woman smiles
And the man who ran all his life
Would perhaps be happy here

Et cet homme qui court toujours, dort au petit matin
Au bord des routes, il suit son long chemin
Sous les étoiles il doute, ignore vers où le sort le mène
Un paradis

And this man who always runs, sleeps in the early morning
At the side of the roads, he follows his long path
Under the stars he doubts, does not know where fate leads him
A paradise

Et cet homme qui court toujours, dort au petit matin
Au bord des routes, il suit son long chemin
Sous les étoiles il doute, ignore vers où ses pas l’entrainent
Un paradis

And this man who always runs, sleeps in the early morning
Along the roadsides, he follows his long path
Under the stars he doubts, does not know where his steps are leading him
A paradise

Et cet homme qui court toujours, dort au petit matin
Au bord des routes, il suit son long chemin
Sous les étoiles il doute, ignore vers où ses pas l’entrainent
Un paradis ou seulement lui-même?

And this man who always runs, sleeps in the early morning
At the side of the roads, he follows his long path
Under the stars he doubts, does not know where his steps are leading him
A paradise or only himself?

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