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Les Freres Existent Encore – Lyrics Meaning in English – K.Maro

Les Freres Existent Encore translates to ‘the brothers still exist’. This song is a reflection on the importance of brotherhood, loyalty, and unity in the face of adversity. It acknowledges the struggles and challenges faced by individuals and emphasizes the need to support each other, fight together, and remain strong amidst difficult times.

Singer – K.Maro

On parle de frre, on parle de sang, on parle de respect
On parle de ceux qui ne sont jamais partis, ceux qui sont rests
Malgr les coups et les colres, malgr les claques et les galres
Ceux qui se rappleront toujours du mot amiti

We talk about brothers, we talk about blood, we talk about respect
We talk about those who never left, those who stayed
Despite the blows and the anger, despite the slaps and the struggles
Those who will always remember the word friendship

Ceux qui te parlent et que leur regard est sincre
Ceux qui te prennent sur leur dos pour sauter une barrire
Ceux qui ne connaissent pas la peur quand on marche ensemble
Ceux qui on le mme cri la mme foi mme quand le coeur tremble

Those who speak to you and their gaze is sincere
Those who take you on their back to jump a barrier
Those who do not know fear when we walk together
Those who cry out in the same faith even when the heart trembles

Mais ce monde a perdu tous sens d’unit,
Tout sens d’humilit, le bon sens c’est arrt,
Les soldats tombent la trahison en bouche
Mort de regret, et le soleil se couche

But this world has lost all sense of unity,
All sense of humility, common sense has stopped,
The soldiers fall with treason in their mouths
Died of regret, and the sun sets

Sur la nuit de ceux qui avaient leur noms gravs dans leur prires
Qui aurait pu dire aujourd’hui qu’ils ont pav leur vie d’hier?
C’est pour a que j’en ait fait mon combat
Et je vais gard les miens aussi longtemps que mon coeur tiendra

On the night of those who had their names engraved in their prayers
Who could have said today that they paved the way for their lives yesterday?
That’s why I made it my fight
And I’ll keep mine as long as my heart holds

The sun don’t shine forever
Faut qu’on se lve, faut qu’on se bouge,
Faut qu’on se parle et faut qu’on se batte together
Autour de nous il y a trop de gens qui perdent le nord

The sun doesn’t shine forever
We have to get up, we have to move,
We have to talk to each other and we have to fight together
Around us there are too many people who are losing their way

Il faut qu’on reste fort et qu’on y croit encore
The sun don’t shine forever
Faut qu’on se lve, faut qu’on se bouge,

We have to that we stay strong and that we still believe in it
The sun doesn’t shine forever
We have to get up, we have to move,

Faut qu’on se parle et faut qu’on se batte togehter
Autour de nous il y a trop de gens qui perdent le nord,
Il faut qu’on reste fort, Les frres existent encore

We have to talk to each other and we have to fight together
Around us there are too many people who are losing their way,
We have to stay strong, the brothers still exist

S’il fallait qu’un jour ce monde soit plus fort que moi
Et qu’il m’enlve tous les miens tout autour de moi,
Ce sera the perfect time to say goodbye
Je partirais le coeur fier with a tear in my eye

If one day this world had to be stronger than me
And it took away all mine all around me,
It would be the perfect time to say goodbye
I would leave with a proud heart with a tear in my eye

Alors on s’attache et on lche pas
On a un code d’honneur sur un frre, on crache pas
Les mots, on les mches pas, les promesses, on les casses pas
Si y en a un de nous qui reste, on reste tous et on passe pas

So we hold on and we don’t let go
We have a code of honour for a brother, we don’t spit
Words, we don’t mean them, promises, we don’t break them
If one of us stays, we all stay and we don’t pass

On sait ce qui nous unis, on sait ce qui nous dtruit
On sait que trop donner, peut nous revenir en mpris
On sait que tout ce qui monte redescend
Alors on ne prends rien pour acquis et on avance a pas prudent

We know what unites us, we know what destroys us
We know that giving too much can come back to us with contempt
We know that everything that goes up comes down
So we take nothing for granted and we move forward cautiously

Dans les hauts, dans les bas, faut rester entier
S’il y a des vents qui soufflent, frre, faut rester ancr
C’est pour a que j’en n’ai fait mon combat,
Et je vais garder les miens aussi longtemps que mon coeur tiendra

In the highs, in the lows, you have to stay whole
If there are winds that blow, brother, you have to stay grounded
That’s why I didn’t make it my fight,
And I’m going to keep mine as long as my heart will hold

The sun don’t shine forever
Faut qu’on se lve, faut qu’on se bouge,
Faut qu’on se parle et faut qu’on se batte together
Autour de nous il y a trop de gens qui perdent le nord

The sun doesn’t shine forever
We have to get up, we have to move,
We have to talk to each other and we have to fight together
Around us there are too many people who are losing their way

Il faut qu’on reste fort et qu’on y croit encore
The sun don’t shine forever
Faut qu’on se lve, faut qu’on se bouge,

We have to that we stay strong and that we still believe in it
The sun doesn’t shine forever
We have to get up, we have to move,

Faut qu’on se parle et faut qu’on se batte togehter
Autour de nous il y a trop de gens qui perdent le nord,
Il faut qu’on reste fort, Les frres existent encore {x2}

We have to talk to each other and we have to fight together
Around us there are too many people who are losing their way,
We have to stay strong, The brothers still exist {x2}

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