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Ladrón de Buena Suerte – Lyrics Meaning in English – Los Bukis

“Ladrón de Buena Suerte” (The Lucky Thief) by Los Bukis is a deeply emotional ballad that captures the heartbreak and regret of a love lost. The song tells the story of a man who, once filled with hope and joy, finds himself confronting the painful reality that the love he thought was his has been taken away. Through poetic lyrics, the song paints a vivid picture of a thief, metaphorically representing the man who stole fleeting moments of happiness, only to lose them when the true owner of that love arrives. It’s a poignant reflection on love, loss, and the silent acceptance of fate when everything that was cherished is taken away.

Singer: Los Bukis

Yo robé
De tus ojos mil destellos
De esperanza
De tus labios la sonrisa fiel
De tu piel
Una caricia que soñé

I stole
A thousand glimmers of hope from your eyes
A faithful smile from your lips
From your skin
A touch I once dreamed of

Siempre fui
El espía que robaba tus encantos
Desde lejos hasta que encontré
De tu brazo al dueño de
Lo que robé

I was always
The spy who stole your charms
From afar, until I found
By your side, the owner of
What I had stolen

Hasta aquí llegó el ladrón de buena suerte
Alguien vino a reclamar lo que tenía
Habló fuerte y me gritó que no eres mía
Todo lo que yo guardaba se llevó

This is where the lucky thief’s journey ends
Someone came to claim what I had
He spoke loudly and shouted that you’re not mine
Everything I had kept, he took away

Hasta hoy pude guardar aquí en mi pecho
La ilusión que poco a poco construía
Ahora solo a callar tengo derecho
El amor que en sueños me hizo tan feliz
Hasta aquí llegó el ladrón de buena suerte
Alguien vino a reclamar lo que tenía
Habló fuerte y me gritó que no eres mía
Todo lo que yo guardaba se llevó

Until today, I could keep in my chest
The hope that I was slowly building
Now, I only have the right to be silent
The love that in dreams made me so happy
This is where the lucky thief’s journey ends
Someone came to claim what I had
He spoke loudly and shouted that you’re not mine
Everything I had kept, he took away

Hasta hoy pude llevar aquí en mi pecho
La ilusión que poco a poco construía
Ahora solo a callar tengo derecho
El amor que en sueños me hizo tan feliz

Until today, I could keep in my chest
The hope that I was slowly building
Now, I only have the right to be silent
The love that in dreams made me so happy

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