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La Mujer Perfecta – Lyrics Meaning in English – Kurt

“Kurt’s ‘La Mujer Perfecta’ (The Perfect Woman) portrays the search for an idealized woman. The song describes longing for perfection, yet acknowledges the complexity and imperfection of human relationships, ultimately celebrating love’s authenticity.

Singer: Kurt

Tan bonita, que le da celos al cielo
Le va bien lo que se ponga
Y no arregla su cabello

So beautiful that it makes the sky jealous
She looks good in whatever she wears
And she doesn’t fix her hair

La critican porque odia usar tacones
No le gusta ir a fiestas
Y lee libros por deporte

They criticize her because she hates wearing heles
She doesn’t like going to parties
And she reads books for fun

Quiero que aparezca
Y presumirla a mis amigos como la primera
Que me robó el corazón

I want her to appear
And show her off to my friends like the first one
Who stole my heart

Déjame explicarte que te quiero, oh
Y no te conozco, no te tengo, oh
Déjame contarte que te sueño, oh
La mujer perfecta para mí

Let me explain to you that I love you, oh
And I don’t know you, I don’t have you, oh
Let me tell you that I dream of you, oh
The perfect woman for me

Me regala discos y sonrisas
No me hace esperarla
Y no elige mis camisas

She gives me records and smiles
She doesn’t make me wait for her
And she doesn’t choose my shirts

Quiero que aparezca
Y presumirla a mis amigos como la primera
Que me robó el corazón

I want her to appear
And show her off to my friends like the first one
Who stole my heart

Déjame explicarte que te quiero, oh
Y no te conozco, no te tengo, oh
Déjame contarte que te sueño, oh
La mujer perfecta para mí

Let me explain to you that I love you, oh
And I don’t know you, I don’t have you, oh
Let me tell you that I dream of you, oh
The perfect woman for me

Déjame explicarte que te quiero, oh
Y no te conozco, no te tengo, oh
Déjame contarte que te sueño, oh
La mujer perfecta para mí

Let me explain to you that I love you, oh
And I don’t know you, I don’t have you, oh
Let me tell you that I dream of you, oh
The perfect woman for me

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