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J’etait Celle – Lyrics Meaning in English – Amel Bent

J’etait Celle means ‘I was the one’. The song is a poignant reflection on a past relationship. The lyrics describe a person who used to be deeply cherished by their partner, but now feels a sense of loss and regret. They express a longing for the days when they were the most important person in their lover’s life.

Singer – Amel Bent

Quand ce sera fini de moi, mes enfants
Après mon dernier souffle
La terre tournera, tournera

When it’s over with me, my children
After my last breath
The earth will turn, will turn

La terre tournera encore
Y aura toujours là-bas à l’horizon
Le soleil, les saisons, la maison

The earth will turn again
There will always be there on the horizon
The sun, the seasons, the house

Et la vue sur le bois le matin du balcon
J’voudrais que vous pensiez à moi
Quand il faudra penser, choisir, décider
Quand il faudra en rire ou en pleurer

And the view of the woods in the morning from the balcony
I would like you to think of me
When you have to think, choose, decide
When you have to laugh or cry about it

J’voudrais, j’voudrais
Que vous gardiez de moi
Que vous disiez de moi
C’était celle qui aime, qui vit

I would like, I would like
You to remember me
That you say about me
It was the one who loves, who lives

C’était celle qui rêve et qui dit
De tenter, eh-eh-eh
Et d’oser

It was the one who dreams and who says
To try, eh-eh-eh
And to dare

Un gosse tenté j’étais, dynamique j’étais
Qu’on me tente j’aimais, qu’on m’implique j’adorais
Le sourire facile et les pleurs sourds
Et tout autant d’espoir que d’amour

A tempted kid I was, dynamic I was
That someone tempted me I loved, that someone involved me I adored
The easy smile and the dull tears
And just as much hope as love

J’avais le goût de la nuit, pas celle qui finit tôt
Et du bruit de la pluie sur les toits des préaux
J’aimais qu’on s’retrouve qu’on fédère qu’on rassemble
Qu’on invite qu’on découvre qu’on galère, qu’on s’ressemble

I had the taste of the night, not the one that ends early
And of the sound of the rain on the roofs of the courtyards
I liked that we found each other that we united that we gathered
That we invited that we discovered that we were struggling , that we resemble each other

J’voudrais, j’voudrais
Que vous gardiez de moi
Que vous disiez de moi

I would like, I would like
You to remember me
That you say about me

C’était celle qui aime, qui vit
Celle qui rêve et qui dit
De tenter et d’oser

She was the one who loves, who lives
The one who dreams and who says
To try and dare

Gardez bien cette pensée, j’ai fait le tour du monde
Et la leçon qu’j’retiens c’est, y a que l’amour qui compte
C’est aussi simple, c’est aussi simple, souvenez-vous de ça

Keep this thought, I’ve been around the world
And the lesson I learn is, it’s only love that counts
It’s that simple, it’s that simple, remember that

Souvenez-vous de ça
Oui, souvenez-vous de ça

Remember that
Yes, remember that

Celle qui dit de tenter
Et d’oser

The one who says to try
And dare

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