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Como Fui A Enamorarme De Ti – Lyrics Meaning in English – Los Bukis

“Como Fui A Enamorarme De Ti” (How Did I Come To Fall In Love With You) by Los Bukis is a poignant song that delves into the complexities and anguish of a love that feels almost impossible to bear. The lyrics reflect the narrator’s inner turmoil as he questions how he allowed himself to fall so deeply in love, knowing it might lead to heartbreak. He describes the intensity of this love—how it consumes him, taking his hope, burning his soul, and leaving him with emptiness and pain. This song captures the bittersweet nature of love that, while passionate and profound, can also be deeply sorrowful and consuming.

Singer: Los Bukis

¿Cómo fui a enamorarme de ti?
Si yo sabía que no era bueno
Cuando en tus ojos me vi
Supe que ya no era yo de mi alma el dueño

How did I come to fall in love with you?
When I knew it wasn’t right for me
When I saw myself in your eyes
I knew my heart was no longer mine

¿Cómo fui a enamorarme de ti?
Ya envejecido estoy de pena
Cómo fue que te encontré
Justo cuando me libré de mil cadenas

How did I end up falling in love with you?
I’m already worn down by sorrow
How did I find you
Just when I had broken free from a thousand chains

¿Cómo fui a enamorarme de ti?
Si bien sabía que no era bueno
Cómo fui a caer en este amor
Que mata, que encierra entre la angustia
Que cala, que quema
Que mi sangre envenena
Que arranca, mi vida cual pétalo de flor

How did I fall in love with you?
When I knew it wasn’t wise
How did I end up in this love
That kills, that traps me in anguish
That cuts deep, that burns
That poisons my blood
That tears my life away like a petal from a flower

¿Cómo fui a enamorarme de ti?
Si están mis brazos tan vacíos
Como fui hacer tan mía esta pasión
Que mata, se lleva la esperanza
Que arde, que muerde
En el fondo de mi alma
Que grita, y encuentra
Solo vacío y dolor

How did I fall in love with you?
When my arms are so empty
How did I make this passion so much my own
That it kills, takes away my hope
That burns, that bites
Deep within my soul
That cries out, and finds
Only emptiness and pain

¿Cómo fui a enamorarme de ti?
Si bien sabía que no era bueno
Cómo fui a caer en este amor
Que mata, que encierra entre la angustia
Que cala, que quema
Que mi sangre envenena
Que arranca, mi vida cual pétalo de 

How did I fall in love with you?
When I knew it wasn’t wise
How did I end up in this love
That kills, that traps me in anguish
That cuts deep, that burns
That poisons my blood
That tears my life away like a petal from a flower

¿Cómo fui a enamorarme de ti?
Si están mis brazos tan vacíos
Como fui hacer tan mía esta pasión
Que mata, se lleva la esperanza
Que arde, que muerde
En el fondo de mi alma
Que grita, y encuentra
Solo vacío y dolor

How did I fall in love with you?
When my arms are so empty
How did I make this passion so much my own
That it kills, takes away my hope
That burns, that bites
Deep within my soul
That cries out, and finds
Only emptiness and pain

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