LoveSpanish to English

15,500 Noches – Lyrics Meaning in English – Romeo Santos

15,500 noches means 15,500 nights. This song is about a man who is so in love with a woman he wants to spend fifteen thousand five hundred nights with her.

Singer: Romeo Santos

Yo quiero duplicar tu existir
Conectarme con Dios y pedirle su molde
Tal vez Él me preste el pincel
Y te logro clonar con otras condiciones
Y así tendremo’ amores
Quince mil quinientas noches
¡Ay, ombe!
Y seguimo’ acabando

I want to duplicate your existence
Connect with God and ask him for his mold
Maybe he lends me the brush
And I managed to clone you with other conditions
And so we will have loves
Fifteen thousand five hundred nights
Oh man!
And we keep on finishing

Poquito a poco yo me obsesiono de ti
Por desgracia, eres la única en tu liga
Yo he de inventar otra versión como tú
Con tu cara, tu actitud y tu figura

Little by little I become obsessed with you
Unfortunately you’re the only one in your league
I have to invent another version like you
With your face, your attitude and your figure

Quiero repetir
La obra de arte que mis ojos ven en ti
Ay, idéntica a ti
Me basta con una copia si es hermosa
Qué honor

I want to repeat
The work of art that my eyes see in you
Oh, identical to you
One copy is enough for me if it’s beautiful
That honor

Yo quiero duplicar tu existir
Conectarme con Dios y pedirle su molde
Tal vez Él me preste el pincel
Y te logro clonar con otras condiciones
Y así tendremo’ amores
Quince mil quinientas noches

I want to duplicate your existence
Connect with God and ask him for his mold
Maybe he lends me the brush
And I managed to clone you with other conditions
And so we will have’ loves
Fifteen thousand five hundred nights

Un Villalona en pie

A Villalona on foot

Poquito a poco yo te voy a plagiar
Aunque sea lo más difícil en la vida
Quiero inventar otra versión como tú
Con tu cara, tu actitud y tu figura

Little by little I’m going to plagiarize you
Even if it’s the hardest thing in life
I want to invent another version like you
With your face, your attitude and your figure

Quiero repetir
La obra de arte que mis ojos ven en ti
Ay, idéntica a ti
Me basta con una copia si es hermosa
Qué honor

I want to repeat
The work of art that my eyes see in you
Oh, identical to you
One copy is enough for me if it’s beautiful
That honor

Yo quiero duplicar tu existir
Conectarme con Dios y pedirle su molde
Tal vez Él me preste el pincel
Y te logro clonar con otras condiciones
Y así tendremo’ amores
Quince mil quinientas noches

I want to duplicate your existence
Connect with God and ask him for his mold
Maybe he lends me the brush
And I managed to clone you with other conditions
And so we will have loves
Fifteen thousand five hundred nights

Tu cuquito
Yo no juego, brother
¡Qué lindo!
Suénalo pa’ ti
Leyendas, díganle que yo no soy normal
I’m nasty

I want to duplicate your existence
Connect with God and ask him for his mold
Maybe he lends me the brush
And I managed to clone you with other conditions
And so we will have loves
Fifteen thousand five hundred nights

Yo quiero duplicar tu existir
Conectarme con Dios y pedirle su molde
Tal vez Él me preste el pincel
Y te logro clonar con otras condiciones
Y así tendremo’ amores
Quince mil quinientas noches

I want to duplicate your existence
Connect with God and ask him for his mold
Maybe he lends me the brush
And I managed to clone you with other conditions
And so we will have loves
Fifteen thousand five hundred nights

You sexy baby, I like you, I like you
Dime a ver
Montura nueva, compadre
¡Me voy!
Pero, maestro Ramón Orlando, dígame algo
Reciba la bendición del verdadero rey de la bachata y del merengue, Jesucristo

You sexy baby, I like you, I like you
Tell me to see
New mount mate
But, teacher Ramon Orlando, tell me something
Receive the blessing of the true king of bachata and merengue, Jesus Christ

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