LoveSpanish to English

Te voy a hacer que me quieras – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Te Voy a Hacer Que Me Quieras” (I’ll make you love me) is a heartfelt ballad by Vicente Fernández that captures the essence of slow and enduring love. In this song, Fernández sings about his intention to win over his beloved through gradual affection, creating a pure and sincere bond. With tender lyrics promising a love that grows with time, the song beautifully illustrates the belief that true love emerges from patience and genuine care.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Te voy a dar un besito
Te voy a dar mi amor despacito
Para que vayas sintiendo
Todo el cariño que para ti yo tengo

I’ll give you a little kiss
I’ll give you my love slowly
So you can start feeling
All the affection I have for you

Te voy a amar poquito a poco
Te voy a hacer que me quieras
Voy a lograr que prefieras
Estar tan solo conmigo

I’ll love you little by little
I’ll make you love me
I’ll get you to prefer
To be just with me

Y así será nuestro cariño
Un amor puro y sincero
Porque amando poquito a poco
Nace el amor verdadero

And so it will be our sweetness
A pure and sincere love
Because loving little by little
True love is born

Te voy a amar poquito a poco
Te voy a hacer que me quieras
Voy a lograr que prefieras
Estar tan solo conmigo

I’ll love you little by little
I’ll make you love me
I’ll get you to prefer
To be just with me

Y así será nuestro cariño
Un amor puro y sincero
Porque amando poquito a poco
Nace el amor verdadero

And so it will be our sweetness
A pure and sincere love
Because loving little by little
True love is born

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