French to EnglishLove

Ta Vedette – Lyrics Meaning in English – Iliona

Ta Vedette translates to ‘you’re featured’. The singer praises her beloved and gives him credit for positive change in her life. Had anyone explained earlier, she would not have believed in the concept of love as it is quite heavy to take.

Singer – Iliona

Si le jour est trop court pour me voir en couleurs
Tu lui tiens tête
Tu me gardes dans ta tour
Me change tous les quarts d’heure

If the day is too short to see me in colour
You stand up to it
You keep me in your tower
Change me every quarter of an hour

Moi, ta vedette
Non, promis, j’n’avais jamais entendu parler d’amour
Et si on m’avait dit, je n’y aurais pas cru
C’est drôlement lourd

Me, your star
No, I promise, I had never heard of love
And if I had been told, I would not have believed it
It’s awfully heavy

Aime-moi, fais-le comme tu veux
Traîne-moi, je suivrai tes yeux

Love me, do it how you want
Drag me, I’ll follow your eyes

Si la nuit est trop courte pour sentir mon odeur
Tu lui tiens tête
Tu me fais faire des tours, m’ordonne d’être meilleure
Moi, ta vedette

If the night is too short to smell my scent
You stand up to it
You make me do tricks, order me to be better
Me, your star

Oui, c’est vrai, peut-être avais-je entendu parler d’amour
Mais si vous m’aviez dit qu’c’n’était pas si cru
J’aurais coupé court

Yes, it’s true, maybe I had heard of love
But if you had told me, it wasn’t so raw,
I would have cut it short

Aide-moi, fais-le comme tu veux
Laisse-moi, sors-moi de tes yeux

Help me, do what you want
Leave me, get me out of your eyes

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