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Nunca Volvieron – Lyrics Meaning in English – Morat

“Nunca Volvieron” (They Never Came Back) by the Colombian band Morat, is a poignant song that delves into themes of loss, betrayal, and the lingering effects of a broken heart. The lyrics convey a sense of helplessness and introspection as the narrator grapples with the emotional fallout from a relationship that has been irrevocably altered. Through vivid imagery and metaphors of theft and guilt, the song captures the struggle of coming to terms with an absence that leaves behind deep scars. Morat’s signature blend of folk-pop sound enhances the bittersweet essence of the narrative, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences of love and heartbreak. “Nunca Volvieron” serves as a powerful reminder of how past relationships can haunt us, leaving us questioning our own innocence and the choices that led to their demise.

Singer: Morat

Odiaría tener que serme sincero
Pues la verdad sé que me va a doler
No me pidas que pretenda que soy un ciego
Cuando estafar a un ciego, es fácil ver
Que ha habido un crimen en tu pecho
Y yo no entiendo bien por qué lo niegas
Lo que robaron yo lo doy por hecho y ahí están las huellas

I would hate to have to be honest with myself
Because I know the truth is going to hurt me
Don’t ask me to pretend that I’m blind
When cheating a blind man is easy to see
There has been a crime in your heart
And I don’t quite understand why you deny it
What was stolen, I take for granted, and there are the fingerprints

Y se salieron con la suya
Porque hay ladrones al acecho
Que andan sin decencia alguna encaramándose en el techo
Y no me sana esta manía que me alerta
Que de pronto dejé abierta una ventana

And they got away with it 
Because there are sneaky thieves
Who, climb onto the roof without any shame
And this obsession doesn’t heal me, it warns me
That I might have left a window open

Y se salieron con la suya
Pero dejaron evidencia
Reemplazaron mi cordura por un cargo de conciencia
Y me despierta
Cada noche porque dudo si faltaron más seguros en la puerta

And they got away with it
But they left evidence
They replaced my sanity with a guilty conscience
And it wakes me up
Every night because I wonder if I forgot to lock the door

Nunca supe si se enteraron sin hacer ruído
O si fui yo quien no quizo escuchar
Porque se dieron cuenta todos nuestros vecinos
En cambio yo me acabo de enterar

I never knew if they found out without making a sound
Or if it was me who didn’t want to listen
Because all our neighbors realized
Meanwhile, I just found out

Su corazón yo no sé dónde fue a parar
Y me cansé de preguntarle a ella
Que lo robaron, yo lo doy por hecho y ahí están las huellas

I don’t know where her heart went
And I got tired of asking her
That it was stolen, I take for granted, and there are the fingerprints

Y se salieron con la suya
Porque hay ladrones al acecho
Que andan sin decencia alguna encaramándose en el techo
Y no me sana esta manía que me alerta
Que de pronto dejé abierta una ventana

And they got away with it 
Because there are sneaky thieves
Who, climb onto the roof without any shame
And this obsession doesn’t heal me, it warns me
That I might have left a window open

Y se salieron con la suya
Pero dejaron evidencia
Reemplazaron mi cordura por un cargo de conciencia
Y me despierta
Cada noche porque dudo si faltaron más seguros en la puerta

And they got away with it
But they left evidence
They replaced my sanity with a guilty conscience
And it wakes me up
Every night because I wonder if I forgot to lock the door

Y nunca volvieron, y nunca más volvieron
Me quedé con casi nada
Botando cada cosa que hablaba de ti
Y nunca volvieron, y nunca más volvieron
Y tu complicidad fue el veneno
Que también dañó todo lo bueno de mí
Y nunca volvieron, y nunca más volvieron
De qué sirve mi inocencia
Cuando tu ausencia sigue aquí
Y nunca volvieron, y nunca más volvieron
Sí, reemplazaron mi cordura por un cargo de conciencia
Y me despierta
Cada noche porque dudo si faltaron más seguros en la puerta

And they never came back, and they never returned
I was left with almost nothing
Throwing away everything that spoke of you
And they never came back, and they never returned
And your complicity was the poison
That also harmed all the good in me
And they never came back, and they never returned
What good is my innocence
When your absence is still here
And they never came back, and they never returned
Yes, they replaced my sanity with a guilty conscience
And it wakes me up
Every night because I wonder if I forgot to lock the door
Odiaría tener que serme sincero
Pues la verdad sé que me va a doler
I would hate to have to be honest with myself
Because I know the truth is going to hurt me

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