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Mi Único Camino – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Mi Único Camino” (My Unique Way) is a poignant ballad by Vicente Fernández, a master of expressing deep emotional struggles through song. In this piece, Fernández explores the pain of love lost, reflecting on the wounds and disappointments that have shaped his life. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a man left to grapple with his sorrow, holding on to memories that have become his only path forward. With its rich imagery and heartfelt delivery, this song captures the essence of heartache and the lingering impact of a love that once was.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Traigo una pena clavada
Como puñalada en mi pensamiento
Como carcajada que se hace lamento
Como si llorando se rieran de mi
Es la vida pasada que siento
Reprocharme al haber sido así

I carry a deep pain
Like a wound in my thoughts
Like a laugh that turns into lament
As if crying, they were laughing at me
It’s the past life
Blaming me for how I was

Mi pecado y mi culpa serán
Conocer demasiado el dolor
Y las penas y los desengaños
Que por tantos años
Me ha dado tu amor

My sin and my guilt will be
Knowing too much pain 
And the sorrows and disappointments
That your love
Has given me for so many years

Por si acaso quisieras volver
Olvidando tu viejo rencor
Me hallaras frente a un trago de vino
Único camino que me dio tu amor

In case you want to come back 
Forgetting your old grudge
You’ll find me with a drink
The only path your love left me

En mi jardín un jilguero
Se murió primero que lo comprendieran
Se seco una fuente que nunca bebiera
Una madre selva también se seco
Tu cariño como ave agorera
Sin pensarlo también me dejo

In my garden, a goldfinch
Died before they realized
A spring dried up that never touched
A honeysuckle also withered
Your love, like a bad omen bird
Left me too, without a second thought

Mi pecado y mi culpa serán
Conocer demasiado el dolor
Y las penas y los desengaños
Que por tantos años
Me ha dado tu amor

My sin and my guilt will be
Knowing too much pain 
And the sorrows and disappointments
That your love
Has given me for so many years

Por si acaso quisieras volver
Olvidando tu viejo rencor
Me hallaras frente a un trago de vino
Único camino que me dio tu amor

In case you want to come back 
Forgetting your old grudge
You’ll find me with a drink
The only path your love left me

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