French to EnglishLife

Manchester Et Liverpool – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marie Laforet

Manchester Et Liverpool translates to ‘Manchester and Liverpool’. The lyrics of the song express a nostalgic and melancholic tone as the singer reflects on memories in the cities of Manchester and Liverpool. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and loss as the singer recalls searching for a once-beautiful love that seems to have been lost.

Singer – Marie Laforet

Manchester et Liverpool
Je me revois flânant le long des rues
Au milieu de cette foule
Parmi ces milliers d’inconnus

Manchester and Liverpool
I see myself again strolling along the streets
In the middle of this crowd
Among these thousands of strangers

Manchester et Liverpool
Je m’en allais dans tous les coins perdus
En cherchant ce bel amour
Que près de toi j’avais connu

Manchester and Liverpool
I went to all the lost corners
Looking for this beautiful love
That near you I had known

Je t’aime, je t’aime
Que j’aime ta voix qui me disait
Je t’aime, je t’aime
Et moi j’y croyais tant et plus

I love you, I love you
That I love your voice which told me
I love you, I love you
And I believed in it so much and more

Manchester a des murs tristes
Et Liverpool vient pleurer sur la mer
Je ne sais plus si j’existe
Les bateaux blancs craignent l’hiver

Manchester has sad walls
And Liverpool comes to cry on the sea
I don’t know if I exist anymore
The white boats fear winter

Manchester est sous la pluie
Et Liverpool ne se retrouve plus
Dans la brume d’aujourd’hui
L’amour lui aussi s’est perdu

Manchester is in the rain
And Liverpool is no longer found
In today’s mist
Love has also been lost

Je t’aime, je t’aime
J’écoute ta voix qui me disait
Je t’aime, je t’aime
Et je n’y croirais jamais plus

I love you, I love you
I listen to your voice that told me
I love you, I love you
And I will never believe it again

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