French to EnglishLife

La Vie – Lyrics Meaning in English – Arthur H

La Vie translates to ‘life’. The song reflects on the cyclical nature of life, from its harmonious and vibrant beginnings to the challenges and betrayals that may occur. It describes the initial purity of experiences, such as the touch of a caress or the protection of a loving gaze.

Singer – Arthur H

À l’origine tout résonne, tout resplendit
Tout s’illumine, tout s’envole
Un arbre, un océan, un orage, un enfant
Tout croît, tout grandit dans l’éternel printemps

At the origin everything resonates, everything shines
Everything lights up, everything flies away
A tree, an ocean, a storm, a child
Everything grows, everything grows in eternal spring

À l’origine, une caresse qui te traverse
Un regard qui t’éclaire et te protège
À l’origine, quelqu’un qui te prend par la main
Et qui te murmure “la vie”

Originally, a caress that passes through you
A look that enlightens you and protects you
Originally, someone who takes you by the hand
And who whispers “life” to you

“La vie t’a choisi”
“Oh, la vie”
“T’a choisi”

“Life has chosen you
“Oh, life”
“Choose you”

À l’origine, une peur qui s’est comme incrustée
Et qui tourne et qui tourne dans l’absurdité
Un coup mauvais sous ta peau tatouée
Une mémoire malsaine qui t’a contaminé

Originally, a fear that has become embedded
And that turns and turns into absurdity
A bad blow under your tattooed skin
An unhealthy memory that has contaminated you

Et l’amour qui soudain se rétrécit
Et la flamme qui s’éteint, qui s’obscurcit
À l’origine, quelqu’un qui te lâche la main
Et qui te dit “la vie”

And the love that suddenly shrinks
And the flame that goes out, that darkens
Originally, someone who lets go of your hand
And who tells you “life”

“La vie t’a trahi”
“Oh, la vie”
“T’a trahi”

“Life has betrayed you
“Oh, life”
“betrayed you”

À l’origine tout résonne, tout resplendit
Tout s’illumine, tout s’envole
Un arbre, un océan, un orage, un enfant
Tout croît, tout grandit, dans l’éternel printemps

In the beginning everything resonates, everything shines
Everything lights up, everything flies away
A tree, an ocean, a storm, a child
Everything grows, everything grows, in the eternal spring

Alors tu retournes ton regard au dedans
Et tu vois la beauté qui n’est jamais abîmée
Et c’est toi qui tend, qui tend la main
La vie

So you return your gaze within
And you see the beauty that is never damaged
And it is you who reaches out, who reaches out your hand

La vie t’a repris
Oh, la vie
T’a repris

Life has taken you back
Oh, life
Has taken you back

Ce piège infâme qui se referme
Qui te coince, te contrôle, jusqu’à la nausée
Ce cauchemar glacé qui te surveille
Tu l’envoies valser et tu te rappelles

This infamous trap that closes
That traps you, controls you, to the point of nausea
This frozen nightmare that watches you
You send it flying and you remember

Qu’à l’origine, une caresse te traverse
Qu’un regard t’éclaire et te protège
Qu’à l’origine, quelqu’un te prend par la main
Et te murmure, “la vie”

That originally, a caress crosses you
That a look enlightens you and protects you
That originally, someone takes you by the hand
And whispers to you, “life”

“La vie t’a guéri”
“Oh, la vie”
“T’a guéri”

“Life has got you healed”
“Oh, life”
“Healed you”

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