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Hablando Solos – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marta Sánchez

Hablando solos means talking alone. This song is about how people have a tendency to live in their own worlds, not noticing the things around them.

Singer: Marta Sánchez 

Si sales de tu casa
Y miras con atención,
Verás por todas partes
A gentes corrientes,
Metidas en su propio mundo.

If you leave your house
And you look carefully
You’ll see everywhere
Ordinary people,
Stuck in their own world.

Son hombres y mujeres,
No se parecen entre sí,
Que sin embargo dejan
Estelas gemelas,
Después de patear las calles.

They are men and women
They don’t look like each other
That nevertheless leave
Twin contrails,
After hitting the streets.

Hablando solos,
Hablando sin parar.
Quién sabe qué dirán,
A veces parece
Que van con alguien invisible.

Talking alone,
Talking non-stop
Who knows what they will say
Sometimes it seems
That they go with someone invisible.

Me gustan esas gentes
Y trato de imaginar,
Qué hacen, cómo viven,
Qué cuentan, qué inventan,
A quién dedicarán sus sueños.

I like those people
And I try to imagine
What do they do, how do they live,
What do they tell, what do they invent,
Who will they dedicate their dreams to?

Son jóvenes y viejos,
La soledad no tiene edad.
Por eso se fabrican
Sus propias historias
Y van andando por las calles.

They are young and old
Loneliness has no age
That’s why they make
Their own stories
And they walk through the streets.

Hablando solos,
Con aire soñador
O de provocación.
Y creo y veo
Que yo también soy como ellos.
Hablando solos.

Talking alone,
Or provocative.
And I believe and I see
That I am also like them.
Talking alone.

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