French to EnglishLife

Ete – Lyrics Meaning in English – IAM

Ete translates to ‘summer’. The song captures urban life in summer, describing the bustling streets, people’s routines, and the heat’s impact. It reflects on change and memories, showing the complexities of daily existence through vivid imagery.

Singer – IAM

L’été marque ces rues de ses éclats, de ses sourires
Des moments d’grâce, même si pour le travail on doit courir
J’aime trop cette vie, c’bordel où les gens s’croisent

Summer marks these streets with its sparkles, its smiles
Moments of grace, even if for work we have to run
I love this life too much, this mess where people cross paths

Apprécient le temps, ils savent que dès qu’on nait on commence à mourir
Une vie parmi les gens tordus, les gens biens

Appreciate the weather, they know that as soon as we are born we start to die
A life among twisted people, good people

Les gens honnêtes qui marchent au jour le jour
Sans plan dément sur la comète
Demain c’est loin, le sort fait tourner son aiguille
Ils jouent d’nos plan tout comme Dieu

Honest people who walk from day to day
Without a crazy plan on the comet
Tomorrow is far away, fate is turning its needle
They play with our plan just like God

Qu’a mis cette couleur sur les pommettes
Au quotidien la rue chante sa mélo
Cette violence, ces joies, ces peines et ces mélodrames
Comme ces gamins de douze ans armés qu’on a croisés

What this colour has put on your cheekbones
Every day the street sings its melodrama
This violence, these joys, these sorrows and these melodramas
Like these armed twelve-year-old kids that we met

Mec, j’ai eu l’impression de voir la mort à l’œuvre sur un vélo
Voici l’décor d’nos adolescences où aucun menteur met les pieds
S’contente de palucher toutes ses connaissances

Dude, I had the impression of seeing death at work on a bicycle
Here is the decor of ‘our adolescence where no liar sets foot
Contents to paw all his knowledge

Aucun besoin d’eux, aucun besoin d’leur discours intéressé
Ici on nait, on vit, on meurt, sans y penser comme une évidence

No need for them, no need for their interested speech
Here we are born, we live, we die, without thinking about it as obvious

La lune vient de se coucher, la rue commence à s’agiter
Le soleil s’éveille doucement, doucement
Et sa main s’abbat sur les passants

The moon has just set, the street begins to stir
The sun awakens slowly, slowly
And its hand falls on the passers-by

Le goudron crache sa fumée, les murs commencent à s’étouffer
La chaleur s’étale lourdement, lourdement
Et sa main s’abbat sur les passants

The tar spits its smoke, the walls begin to suffocate
The heat spreads heavily, heavily
And his hand falls on the passers-by

Run and run inside my head
These memories of golden years
There’s nothing I got in the end
Will let the story fade away

Run and run inside my head
These memories of golden years
There’s nothing I got in the end
Will let the story fade away

People grow, people change
I wish that I could say the same
There’s not enough tears in my eyes
We’ll live forever in my mind

People grow, people change
I wish that I could say the same
There’s not enough tears in my eyes
We’ll live forever in my mind

Des passants foncent dans le goudron
À peine 10h c’est la fournaise
Ça fume déjà sur les balcons
Le sol est chaud comme de la braise

Passers-by rush into the tar
Barely 10 a.m. it’s the furnace
It’s already smoking on the balconies
The ground is hot as embers

Tous les gamins ont une casquette
T-shirt, caleçon, claquettes
Le mec sirote une 16 à l’ombre
Le cul posé sur les cagettes

All the kids have a cap
T-shirt, boxer shorts, flip-flops
The guy is sipping a 16 in the shade
Ass resting on the crates

Des gens pressés en stress, le bus arrive, merde
Le livreur en sueur qui s’énerve
Parce qu’il trouve pas l’adresse
Une fille qui joue au ballon

People in a hurry in stress, the bus is coming, shit
The sweaty delivery man who gets angry
Because he can’t find the address
A girl playing ball

Un homme qui pousse un caddie
On dirait qu’c’est lourd comme le plomb
Mais ce plomb-là c’est sa vie
Devant la ligne, ça s’frotte les mains

A man pushing a shopping cart
Looks like it’s heavy like lead
But this lead is his life
In front of the line, it’s rubbing its hands

Encore une belle journée
Ça bouge au bar tous les quarts d’heure
Quelqu’un remet sa tournée
Les gouttes commencent à couler

Another beautiful day
It’s moving at the bar every quarter of an hour
Someone is postponing his round
The drops are starting to flow

Les flics commencent à tourner
Dans toute la rue on peut sentir
Venir la dernière fournée
Des gens venus de partout

The cops are starting to turn
In the whole street you can feel
Come, the last batch
People from all over

Surement de sacrés parcours
Rien que pour ça, respecte-les
Tu connais pas leurs détours
Et sous l’soleil déchainé

Surely some hell of a journey
Just for that, respect them
You don’t know their detours
And under the unleashed sun

La vie repart pour un tour
Jusqu’à ce qu’à nouveau
Le croissant revienne clamer son amour

The Life takes another turn
Until again
The crescent returns to proclaim its love

La lune vient de se coucher, la rue commence à s’agiter
Le soleil s’éveille doucement, doucement
Et sa main s’abbat sur les passants

The moon has just set, the street begins to stir
The sun awakens slowly, slowly
And its hand falls on the passers-by

Le goudron crache sa fumée, les murs commencent à s’étouffer
La chaleur s’étale lourdement, lourdement
Et sa main s’abbat sur les passants

The tar spits its smoke, the walls begin to suffocate
The heat spreads heavily, heavily
And his hand falls on the passers-by

Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

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