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Es Muy Tu Vida – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Es Muy Tu Vida” (That’s Your Life) by Vicente Fernández is a poignant song that delves into themes of love, loss, and moving on. The lyrics reflect a deep emotional journey, where the protagonist acknowledges that the choices of a loved one are no longer his concern. The song speaks to the pain of seeing someone you care about take a self-destructive path, yet also emphasizes the importance of letting go and offering support as a friend rather than a savior. With a mixture of resignation and lingering affection, the song captures the bittersweet reality of accepting the end of a romantic relationship while still caring for the person who once meant everything.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Si agarraste el camino del mal
Es muy tu vida
De lo que hagas o dejes de hacer
Ya no me importa

If you took the wrong path
That’s your life
What you do or don’t do
Doesn’t matter to me anymore

Si en lugar que te hicieran feliz
Te traen herida
Yo no soy quien te puede salvar
De tu derrota

If instead of making you happy 
They leave you wounded 
I’m not the one who can save you 
From your downfall

(Pero ya que volvemos a vernos
Te invito a que pases la noche conmigo)
Nos tomamos la copa como antes
(Después tú te vas a seguir tu camino)

(But now that we see each other again 
I invite you to spend the night with me) 
We drink a glass like we used to 
(Then you can go on your way)

Platicar de las cosas de ayer
No tiene caso
Recordar nuestro viejo querer
Es como herirnos

Talking about the past 
Is pointless 
Remembering our old love 
Is like hurting ourselves

Yo no soy quien te puede juzgar
Por tus fracasos
Hoy tan solo te puedo servir
Como un amigo

I’m not the one to judge you 
For your failures 
Today, I can only be here 
As a friend

(Pero ya que volvemos a vernos
Te invito a que pases la noche conmigo)
Nos tomamos la copa como antes
(Después tú te vas a seguir tu camino)

(But now that we see each other again 
I invite you to spend the night with me) 
We drink a glass like we used to 
(Then you can go on your way)

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