Quizás – Lyrics Meaning in English – Enrique Iglesias
Quizás means maybe/perhaps. In this song, the singer calls his father and asks him how he’s doing, as a reminder
Read MoreQuizás means maybe/perhaps. In this song, the singer calls his father and asks him how he’s doing, as a reminder
Read MoreMi viejo means my old man. In this song, the singer talks about his father and their distant relationship. He
Read MoreMi jefe means my boss. In this song, the singer thanks his father for having given him life. He calls
Read MoreHoy tengo que decirte papá means today I have to tell you dad. This song is about a boy who
Read MoreMis ojos means my eyes. The singer uses this song as an opportunity to thank God for everything he has
Read MoreEl universo sobre mi means the universe above me. This song is about a woman who wants to find her
Read MoreBonito means beautiful. This song is about appreciating all the beautiful things in life – people and places, as long
Read MoreBuscando en la basura means searching in the trash. This song is about a man who is sad and lonely,
Read MoreFuera de servicio means out of order. This song is about a man who was abandoned by his close ones
Read MoreEncontrarme means to find myself. This song is about a woman who feels like she has lost the person she
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