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Casas de Cartón – Lyrics Meaning in English – Los Bukis

“Casas de Cartón” (Cardboard Houses) by Los Bukis is a poignant and powerful song that paints a vivid picture of the struggles faced by the poor and marginalized in society. Through its heartfelt lyrics, the song describes the hardships of living in makeshift homes made of cardboard, where people endure suffering, poverty, and despair. The imagery of rain falling on these fragile roofs symbolizes the harsh realities of life for those in poverty. The song also highlights the stark contrast between the lives of the working class and the indifference of those in power, while touching on the innocence of children who grow up in such conditions. “Casas de Cartón” serves as a reminder of the need for compassion and change in a world where many still live without hope.

Singer: Los Bukis

Qué triste
Se oye la lluvia
En los techos de cartón
Qué triste
Vive mi gente
En las casas de cartón

How sad
The rain sounds
On the cardboard roofs
How sad
My people live
In cardboard houses

Viene bajando el obrero
Casi arrastrando sus pasos
Por el peso del sufrir
Mira que es mucho sufrir
Mira que pesa el sufrir

The worker is coming
Almost dragging his steps
From the weight of suffering
See how much he suffers,
See how hard the pain is

Arriba deja la mujer preñada
Abajo esta la ciudad
Y se pierde en su maraña
Hoy es lo mismo de ayer
Es un mundo sin mañana

Above, the pregnant woman waits,
Below lies the city,
And it gets lost in its chaos
Today feels just like yesterday
It’s a world with no future

Qué triste
Se oye la lluvia
En los techos de cartón
Qué triste
Vive mi gente
En las casas de cartón

How sad
The rain sounds
On the cardboard roofs
How sad
My people live
In cardboard houses

Niños color de mi tierra
Con sus mismas cicatrices
Millonarios de lombrices
Y por eso
Que tristes viven los niños
En las casas de cartón

Children, the color of my land
With the same scars they bear
Wealthy in worms,
And that’s why
The children live so sadly
In houses made of cardboard

Qué triste
Se oye la lluvia
En los techos de cartón
Qué triste
Vive mi gente
En las casas de cartón

How sad
The rain sounds
On the cardboard roofs
How sad
My people live
In cardboard houses

Usted no lo va a creer
Pero hay escuelas de perros
Y les dan educación
Pa’ que no muerdan los diarios, pero el patrón
Hace años, muchos años
Que está mordiendo al obrero

You won’t believe it,
But there are schools for dogs,
And they’re given education
So they don’t bite the newspapers. But the boss,
For years, many years,
Has been biting the worker

Qué triste
Se oye la lluvia
En los techos de cartón
Qué lejos
Pasa una esperanza
En las casas de cartón

How sad
The rain sounds
On the cardboard roofs
How far
A hope passes
In the cardboard houses

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