French to EnglishLife

Caravana – Lyrics Meaning in English – Raphael

Caravana translates to “caravan”. The song is a poignant reflection on the journey of life, sung by the talented Raphael. Through its soul-stirring lyrics, the song explores themes of vulnerability, uncertainty, and the inevitability of change.

Singer – Raphael

Est-ce que j’en ai les larmes aux yeux
Que nos mains ne tiennent plus ensembles
Moi aussi je tremble un peu
Est-ce que je ne vais plus attendre

Do I have tears in my eyes
That our hands no longer hold together
I too am trembling a little
Am I not going to wait any longer

Est-ce qu’on va reprendre la route
Est-ce que nous somme proches de la nuit
Est-ce que ce monde a le vertige
Est-ce qu’on sera un jour punis

Are we going to hit the road again
Are we close to nighttime
Are we dizzy in this world
Will we one day be punished

Est-ce que je rampe comme un enfant
Est-ce que je n’ai plus de chemise
C’est le Bon Dieu qui nous fait
C’est le Bon Dieu qui nous brise

Do I crawl like a child
Do I no longer have a shirt
It’s the Good Lord who makes us
It’s the Good Lord who breaks us

Est-ce que rien ne peut arriver
Puisqu’il faut qu’il y ait une justice
Je suis né dans cette caravane

Can’t anything happen
Since there has to be justice
I was born in this caravan

Et nous partons allez viens
Allez viens

And we’re leaving come on come on
Come on

Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu

You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you you

Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu

You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you you

Tu, tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu

You, you read, you you
You read, you you you
You read, you you
You read, you you you

Et parce que ma peau est la seule que j’ai
Que bientôt mes os seront dans le vent
Je suis né dans cette caravane

And because my skin is the only one I have
That soon my bones will be in the wind
I was born in this caravan

Et nous partons allez viens
Allez viens

And we’re leaving come on
Come on

Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu

You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you you

Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu

You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you you

Tu, tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu

You, you read, you you
You read, you you you
You read, you you
You read, you you you

Allez viens
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu

Come on
You read, you you
You read, you you
You read, you you

Tu lu, tu tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu

You read, you you you
You read, you you
You read, you you

Tu lu, tu tu
Tu lu, tu tu tu

You read, you you
You read, you you you

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