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CAMBIA! – Lyrics Meaning in English – C. Tangana & Carin Leon & Adriel Favela

“CAMBIA!” (Change) is a raw and unapologetic anthem that explores the complexities of identity, success, and societal expectations. Performed by C. Tangana, Carin Leon, and Adriel Favela, the song dives deep into the pressures of wealth, fame, and how these factors shape personal values. The artists reflect on growing up with the belief that money and status determine respect, only to find themselves asked to change once they’ve achieved success. The song combines powerful storytelling with a fusion of regional Mexican sounds and urban influences, creating a bold statement on staying true to oneself in the face of external pressures. “CAMBIA!” speaks to the tension between authenticity and societal demands, with each verse offering a candid perspective on fame and fortune.

Singer: C. Tangana & Carin Leon & Adriel Favela

Crecí pensando que solo el billete me daría mi respeto
Que un hombre que no tiene pa gastar
No es un hombre, solo un muñeco

I grew up thinking that only money would earn me respect
That a man who doesn’t have money to spend
Isn’t a man, just a puppet

Que siempre te van a sobrar amigos
Y ni se diga mujeres cuando abundan los diamantes
Hoy que brilla más mi cuello que Las Vegas
Me piden que cambie

That you will always have plenty of friends
And don’t even mention women when diamonds are abundant
Today, as my neck shines more than Las Vegas
They ask me to change

Soy desconfiado y no permito
Que cualquier cabrón se ande acercando
Amigo por las buenas
Y en las malas le entramos a los chingazos (díselo)

I’m distrustful and I don’t allow
Just any jerk to come close
A friend in good times
And when things go bad, we’ll get into a fight (tell him)

Me hicieron pensar que si cada noche
No salía envuelto en Gucci, yo no era más que un don nadie
Y ahora que sobran ceros en el banco
Me piden que cambie

They made me think that if every night
I didn’t go out dressed in Gucci, I was nothing but a nobody
And now that there are plenty of zeros in the bank
They ask me to change

El Madrileño
Adriel Favela
¿Y quién dijo que la H es muda, viejo?
(Eso es)
Carin Leon
¡Ay ay ay!

The Madrileño
Adriel Favela
And who said the ‘H’ is silent, man?
(That’s right)
Carin Leon
Ay ay ay!

Crecí escuchando historias de valientes
En los versos de Chalino
Queriendo armas, casa y carro nuevo
Con eso se forjó el niño

I grew up listening to stories of brave men
In the verses of Chalino
Wanting guns, a house, and a new car
That’s how the boy was shaped

No le deseo el mal a las personas
Yo me enfoco en lo mío, no me fijo en lo de nadie
Ahora que vieron que andamos bateando
Me piden que cambie

I don’t wish bad on anyone
I focus on my own, I don’t pay attention to others
Now that they see I’m succeeding
They want me to change

De niño me enseñaron a ser gallo
Y que un cobarde es un gallina
Que el hombre que las morras aman bravo
Va de a golpes por la vida

As a child, they taught me to be brave
And that a coward is a chicken
That the man women love, strong and bold
Goes through life fighting

Y ahora le rascan los huevos al toro
Y a la hora de los chingazos, no saben ni a quién rezarle (Díselo)
Y ahora que saben cómo ruge el león
Me piden que cambie

And now they provoke the bull
But when it’s time to fight, they don’t even know who to pray to (Tell them)
And now that they know how the lion roars
They ask me to change

Aquí andamos al millón
Y Adriel Favela
¡Wu! (El Madrileño)
Eso es
(Eso es)

Here we are, giving it our all
And Adriel Favela
Woo! (The Madrileño)
That’s right
(That’s right)

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