French to EnglishLife

Blue Story – Lyrics Meaning in English – Ninho

The song describes the harsh realities and struggles of living a life immersed in street culture, violence, and crime. The lyrics depict experiences of drug dealing, violence, paranoia, and the pursuit of success against all odds.

Singer – Ninho



Une vie d’bâtard, j’connais bien l’ciment
Alcool russe, pakatou pour des bonbons et des SIM
Et c’est terrible quand on s’y met
Dix heures du matin, il m’faut quatre bédos pour tuer l’insomnie (binks)

A bastard’s life, I know the cement well
Russian alcohol, they’re strong, for sweets and SIMs
And it’s terrible when you get started
Ten o’clock in the morning, I need four beds to kill insomnia (binks)

Dix maisons avant les trenta ocho (binks)
Il s’rait temps que j’passe à autre chose
La vie de qui? La vie d’Akon, la vie de qui? La vie d’Akon
Les diamantaires, j’suis sur écoute avec Aze sur la côte

Ten houses before the thirty eight (binks)
It’s time for me to move on
Whose life? Akon’s life, whose life? Akon’s life
The diamond dealers, I’m bugging Aze on the coast

Cagoule Shooter, j’suis dans L.A (j’suis dans L.A)
Et c’est le peuple qui m’a élu (qui m’a élu, ouais)
C’est le peuple qui m’a élu
Donc quand j’fais les panenka au pénaux, faites la “Ola”

Cagoule Shooter, I’m in LA (I’m in LA)
And it’s the people who elected me (who elected me , yeah)
It’s the people who elected me
So when I do the doll at the criminal courts, do the “Ola”

Waikiki, Honolulu, c’est Infinit, c’est No Limit
J’fume de la beuh d’extraterrestre, j’fais des thés à la bergamote
Ça s’ressent quand t’es vrai, ça s’ressent aussi quand t’imites (quand t’imites)
Pour faire le gâteau, j’ai fait un tas de miettes

Waikiki, Honolulu, it’s infinite, it’s No Limit
I smoke weed extraterrestrial, I make bergamot teas
You can feel it when you’re real, you can also feel it when you imitate (when you imitate)
To make the cake, I made a pile of crumbs

Ta vie d’charognard, en dit-dit
On tire quand tu t’y attends pas (lourd)
Tu m’as pris pour un gros din’-din’
Le rendez-vous, on l’fait chez toi (fait chez toi)

Your life of a scavenger, said-said
We shoot when you don’t expect it (heavy)
You took me for a big dinner-dinner
The meeting, we do it at your place (done at your place)

Hein, dans l’re-fou cramé comme Tookie (comme Tookie)
En garde-à-vue, j’entends des bruits d’clés
J’entends des bruits d’clés mais j’peux pas balancer l’clan
J’dois remplir tous les sacs avant qu’le succès part en déclin

Huh, in the crazy burnt out like Tookie (like Tookie)
In custody, I hear the sound of keys
I hear the sound of keys but I can’t shake the clan
I have to fill all the bags before success declines

Pour arrêter la bédave, sa mère, j’attends un déclic (un déclic)
Trop long pour t’faire un dessin
Moi, j’fais pas parti d’ceux qu’on endoctrine
J’me débrouillais pour becter, papa n’avait plus d’batteries

To stop the joke, his mother, I’m waiting for a click (a click)
Too long to draw you a picture
Me, I’m not one of those who are indoctrinated
I managed to drink, Dad was out of batteries

Parfois, on en veut trop, on s’rend compte, c’est déjà trop tard
Mon frère, y a un temps pour tout, pour bicrave et pour s’tirer
Y a trop d’cash à soutirer, ailleurs, j’m’en vais en virée
Ailleurs, j’m’en vais en virée et pour le reste, on verra

Sometimes we want too much, we realize, it’s already too late
My brother, there is a time for everything, for trafficking and for draw
There’s too much cash to extract, elsewhere, I’m going on a trip
Elsewhere, I’m going on a trip and for the rest, we’ll see

Ces temps-ci, j’suis fatigué, j’me vois prier, j’les vois vriller
J’en ai plein la cabeza, j’en ai plein le barillet
Ton visage n’est pas familier, j’suis paro sur toi, direct

These days, I’m tired, I’m see pray, I see them twisting
I have a head full of them, I have a barrel full of them
Your face is not familiar, I’m paranoid about you, direct

On a vu trop d’morts sur deux-roues, les reufs, faites attention
Les déceptions, ça dégoûte et ça fait monter la tension (la tension)
Paroles d’un G qui sort des bas-fonds

We’ve seen too many deaths on two wheels, the children, be careful
Disappointments, it disgusts and it raises the tension (the tension)
Words of a G who comes out of the depths

Une journée d’plus dans l’ghetto (dans l’ghetto)
Cagoulé, j’ai coulé tout l’stock (tout l’stock)
Beaucoup trop d’kich’, trop d’seille-o (trop d’seille-o, boy)
Y a même pas assez d’élastiques

One more day in the ghetto (in the city)
Hooded, I sunk all the stock (all the stock)
Too much money, too much best (too much best, boy)
There aren’t even enough elastics

Dans tout les cas, j’ai mon extendo
Sur moi, dis-moi, qui veut jouer au con? (Dis-moi, qui veut jouer?)
Et dans l’dos, j’ai dix milles coups d’schlass
Un Lambo’ tout noir, d’vant l’casino d’Monte-Carlo (hey)

In any case, I have my extend
With me, tell me, who wants to play stupid? (Tell me, who wants to play?)
And in the back, I have ten thousand castle shots
A black Lamborghini, in front of the Monte-Carlo casino (hey)

Il m’faut un minimum avant qu’j’y aille
J’anticipe, j’suis sorti ganté (j’anticipe, j’suis sorti ganté)
Beaucoup d’sacrifices, boy, beaucoup d’histoires
J’finis la ‘teille, j’vais t’raconter (j’finis la ‘teille, j’vais t’raconter)

I need one minimum before I go
I anticipate, I came out gloved (I anticipated, I came out gloved)
Lots of sacrifices, boy, lots of stories
I finish the day, I’m going to to tell (I’m finishing up, I’m going to tell you)

Baby really handlin’ his business, what’s the rumors ’bout?
I really done got it out the trenches, nigga, rooming houses
I come from the place where the only options is you do or die
Moral of the story is I’m thankful that I’m still alive and doin’ it

Baby really handling his business, what’s the rumours about?
I really done got it out the trenches, nigga, rooming houses
I come from the place where the only options is you do or die
Moral of the story is I’m thankful that I’m still alive and doing it

I come from the bottom of the jungle
I ain’t ever fall but I done stumbled
I done passed ’em all but I’m still humble
‘Cause I can still remember when I was sittin’ on the block with no money, tryna get money

I come from the bottom of the jungle
I ain’t ever fall but I done stumbled
I done passed them all but I’m still humble
Beause I can still remember when I was sitting on the block with no money, tryna get money

From Sparks Street to Paris, I’m bicoastal
Told you in the beginnin’ I was global
I’ma change the game up for the whole hood
I ain’t did it yet, but shit, I’m close to it

From Sparks Street to Paris, I’m bicoastal
Told you in the beginning I was global
I am change the game up for the whole hood
I ain’t did it yet, but shit, I’m close to it

You know I got rich but I still go through it
Come through on the low, make sure my folks good
Can’t never forget the fallen soldiers
Gotta play it smart, I’m gettin’ older

You know I got rich but I still go through it
Come through on the low, make sure my folks good
Can’t never forget the fallen soldiers
Gotta play it smart, I’m getting older

No love in the streets, they gettin’ colder
Too much on my mind for me to be sober
I’m still gon’ be lit when this shit over
This shit for my family and my bros, too

No love in the streets, they getting colder
Too much on my mind for me to be sober
I’m still gonna be lit when this shit over
This shit for my family and my bros, too

We ain’t have no power, we ate cold food
I’m servin’ my folks when my friends go to school
I was in the trap before this shit was cool
Seem like every couple months we had to move

We ain’t have no power, we ate cold food
I’m serving my folks when my friends go to school
I was in the trap before this shit was cool
Seem like every couple months we had to move

Momma goin’ hard, daddy ain’t around
Gamblin’ and breakin’ in, and layin’ niggas down
Had to get my shit together, started sellin’ pounds
Fast forward a couple years, the world know me now, that’s crazy

Momma going hard, daddy ain’t around
Gambling and breaking in, and laying niggas down
Had to get my shit together, started selling pounds
Fast forward a couple years, the world know me now, that’s crazy

Une journée d’plus dans l’ghetto (dans l’ghetto)
Cagoulé, j’ai coulé tout l’stock (tout l’stock)
Beaucoup trop d’kich’, trop d’seille-o (trop d’seille-o, boy)
Y a même pas assez d’élastiques

One more day in the ghetto (in the ghetto)
Hooded, I sunk all the stock (all the stock)
Too much money, too much best (too much best, boy)
There aren’t even enough elastics

Dans tout les cas, j’ai mon extendo
Sur moi, dis-moi, qui veut jouer au con? (Dis-moi, qui veut jouer?)
Et dans l’dos, j’ai dix milles coups d’schlass
Un Lambo’ tout noir, d’vant l’casino d’Monte-Carlo (hey)

In any case, I have my extend
With me, tell me, who wants to play stupid? (Tell me, who wants to play?)
And in the back, I have ten thousand castle shots
A black Lamborghini, in front of the Monte-Carlo casino (hey)

Il m’faut un minimum avant qu’j’y aille
J’anticipe, j’suis sorti ganté (j’anticipe, j’suis sorti ganté)
Beaucoup d’sacrifices, boy, beaucoup d’histoires
J’finis la ‘teille, j’vais t’raconter (j’finis la ‘teille, j’vais t’raconter)

I need one minimum before I go
I anticipate, I came out gloved (I anticipated, I came out gloved)
Lots of sacrifices, boy, lots of stories
I finish the day, I’m going to tell (I’m finishing up, I’m going to tell you)

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