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Amar y Querer – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Amar y querer” (To Love and To Want) a classic song performed by Vicente Fernández, delves into the profound difference between loving and desiring. The lyrics explore the depth of true love compared to the often superficial nature of desire. Fernández’s powerful rendition highlights the emotional and spiritual contrasts between these two experiences. While “querer” (desiring) is depicted as a transient, often self-serving pursuit, “amar” (loving) is portrayed as a profound, all-encompassing commitment that transcends time and personal gratification. This song eloquently captures the essence of love’s enduring nature versus the fleeting quality of desire.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Casi todos sabemos querer
Pero pocos sabemos amar
Y es que amar y querer no es igual
Amar es sufrir querer es gozar

Almost everyone knows how to desire 
But few know how to love 
Because loving and desiring are not the same 
Loving is suffering, desiring is enjoying

El que ama pretende vivir
El que ama su vida la da
Y el que quiere pretende vivir
Y nunca sufrir y nunca sufrir

The one who loves want to live
The one who loves gives their life 
But the one who desires aims to live
And never to suffer, and never to suffer

El que ama no puede pensar todo lo da todo lo da
El que quiere pretende olvidar y nunca llorar y nunca llorar
El querer pronto puede acabar
El amor no conoce el final
Es que todos sabemos querer
Pero pocos sabemos amar

Those who love give their all without holding back 
Those who want to try to forget and avoid tears 
Wanting might not last
But love never ends 
We all can want
But few truly love

El amar es el cielo y la luz
El amar es total plenitud
Es el mar que no tiene final
Es la gloria y la paz, es la gloria y la paz

To love is to experience heaven and light 
To love is complete fulfillment 
It’s an endless sea 
It’s glory and peace, its glory and peace

El querer es la carne y la flor
Es buscar el oscuro rincón
Es morder, arañar y besar
Es deseo fugaz es deseo fugaz

To want is the flesh and the flower
It’s searching for a hidden corner
It’s biting, scratching, and kissing
It’s a fleeting desire, a fleeting desire

El que ama no puede pensar todo lo da todo lo da
El que quiere pretende olvidar y nunca llorar y nunca llorar
El querer pronto puede acabar
El amor no conoce el final
Es que todos sabemos querer
Pero pocos sabemos amar

Those who love give their all without holding back 
Those who want to try to forget and avoid tears 
Wanting might not last
But love never ends 
We all can want
But few truly love

El que ama no puede pensar todo lo da todo lo da
El que quiere pretende olvidar y nunca llorar y nunca llorar
El querer pronto puede acabar
El amor no conoce el final
Es que todos sabemos querer
Pero pocos sabemos amar

Those who love give their all, without holding back 
Those who want to try to forget and avoid tears 
Wanting might not last
But love never ends 
We all can want
But few truly love

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