ExSpanish to English

Un Amor Como Este – Lyrics Meaning in English – Grupo Firme & Luis R Conriquez

Un amor como este means a love like this. This song is about a man who tells his (ex)girlfriend that forgetting him isn’t easy and she’ll come back looking for him. He tells her to reconsider her decision because a love like this is hard to come by.

Singer: Grupo Firme & Luis R Conriquez

¡Jálese compa Luis R Conriquez!
¡Y Puro Grupo Firme! Pariente
Ahí te va, chiquita batallosa

Pull yourself up buddy Luis R Conriquez!
And Pure Grupo Firme! Relative
There it goes, little troublesome girl

Me vas a extrañar
Olvidarme no está tan pelada
No son enchiladas dejar de pensar en mí

You’re going to miss me
Forgetting me isn’t so simple
It’s not a piece of cake to stop thinking of me

Me vas a extrañar
Te aseguro que vas a buscarme
Yo aquí voy a esperarte
¿Quién soy yo pa’ decir que no?

You’re going to miss me
I assure you that you’re going to look for me
I’m going to wait for you here
Who am I to say no?

Y es que los besos en tu boca saben mejor

And kisses taste better in your mouth

Sabes que eres mía y yo tuyo
Solo que estás enojada
Ven yo te contento y pronto se te pasa

You know that you’re mine and I’m yours
You’re just annoyed
Come I’ll make you happy and it’ll pass soon

Yo aquí estoy tranquilo
Te doy chanza que te vayas y lo pienses
Y verás que no hay un amor como este

I’m calm here
I’m giving you a chance to go and think about it
And you’ll see how there isn’t a love like this

Porque solo yo, porque solo yo sé cómo quererte

Because only I, only I know how to love you

Sabes que eres mía y yo tuyo
Solo que estás enojada
Ven yo te contento y pronto se te pasa

You know that you’re mine and I’m yours
You’re just annoyed
Come I’ll make you happy and it’ll pass soon

Yo aquí estoy tranquilo
Te doy chanza que te vayas y lo pienses
Y verás que no hay un amor como este

I’m calm here
I’m giving you a chance to go and think about it
And you’ll see how there isn’t a love like this

Porque solo yo, porque solo yo sé cómo quererte

Because only I, only I know how to love you

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