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No Te Me Borras – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

In Vicente Fernández’s poignant ballad “No Te Me Borras” (Don’t Fade me) the singer delves into the enduring nature of love and its deep impact. The song expresses how the beloved has become an integral part of the singer’s life, forming an indelible mark that remains despite what others might say. Fernández reflects on how this love, rooted deeply within him, has shaped his journey, even if it comes with challenges. With heartfelt lyrics, the song captures the essence of unwavering commitment and the profound emotional ties that define true love.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Que tú no te me borras
Me lo dice la gente
Que ya echaste raíces
Que te llevo presente

That you don’t faded from my life
People tell me so
That you’ve already put down roots
And I keep you in my heart

Que tu nombre ha formado
Una cruz en mi vida
Que tal vez sea un camino
Todo lleno de espinas

That your name has formed
A cross in my life
Which might be a path
Full of thorns

Yo no voy a negar
Lo que diga la gente
Y te voy a querer
Porque quiero quererte

I won’t deny
What people say
And I will love you
Because I want to love you

Y no voy a negar
Que te tengo enraizada
Si tan solo te amé
Con mirarte a la cara

I won’t deny
That you’re deeply rooted in me
Since I loved you
Just by looking at your face

Yo no voy a negar
Lo que diga la gente
Y te voy a querer
Porque quiero quererte

I won’t deny
What people say
And I will love you
Because I want to love you

Y no voy a negar
Que te tengo enraizada
Si tan solo te amé
Con mirarte a la cara

I won’t deny
That you’re deeply rooted in me
Since I loved you
Just by looking at your face

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