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NO TE HAS IDO Y YA TE EXTRAÑO – Lyrics Meaning in English – Aitana

In her poignant track “No te has ido y ya te extraño” (You haven’t left, and I already miss you), Aitana captures the raw emotion of lingering love and heartbreak. The song delves into the bittersweet pain of missing someone who is still physically present but emotionally distant. Through heartfelt lyrics and an evocative melody, Aitana expresses the deep sorrow of feeling abandoned despite the promises and memories shared. As she navigates the complexities of love and loss, “No Te Has Ido Y Ya Te Extraño” offers a reflective exploration of how past affections continue to shape our present emotions, even when the relationship has changed or ended.

Singer: Aitana

Nada queda si tú ya te no te quedas
Dime que no te irás, no te irás
¿Qué ha pasado? Si tú y yo en el pasado
Siento que fuimos más, y hoy te vas

Nothing remains if you are not here
Tell me you won’t go, you won’t go
What happened? In the past, you and I
I feel like we were more, and today you’re leaving

Si esta luna llena te me llevarás
Dime que al mirarla me recordarás
Dime que me quieres porque yo sé que me quieres
Y aunque debas, no me olvida

If this full moon takes you away from me
Tell me that when you look at it, you’ll remember me
Tell me you love me because I know you do
And even if you must, don’t forget me

Yo te confieso que me haces daño
Tú no te has ido, tú no te has ido y yo ya tе extraño
Sobraron besos, faltaron años
Y si no vuelvеs, si tú no vuelves mejor me engaño
Tú no te has ido, tú no te has ido y yo ya te extraño

I admit to you that you hurt me
You haven’t left, you haven’t left, and I already miss you
There were too many kisses, but not enough years
And if you don’t come back, if you don’t come back, I’d rather deceive myself
You haven’t gone, you haven’t gone, and I already miss you

No lloraba, pero se me notaba
Yo me guardé el dolor, lo disfracé de amor
Tantas noches por ti me desvelaba
Intentaba estar mejor, y se volvió peor

I didn’t cry, but it obvious
I hide the pain, masked it as love
So many nights I stayed up because of you
I tried to feel better, but it only got worse

Pero sabes cómo te recordaré
Como primer beso yo te llevaré
Tengo los momentos, las canciones y lo siento
Aunque me duela, no te olvidaré

But you know how I’ll think  of you
Like my first kiss, I’ll keep you with me
I have the memories, the songs, and I’m sorry
Even if it hurts, I won’t forget you

Yo te confieso que me haces daño
Tú no te has ido, tú no te has ido y yo ya te extraño
Sobraron besos, faltaron años
Y si no vuelves, si tú no vuelves mejor me engaño
Tú no te has ido, tú no te has ido, pero

I admit that you hurt me
You haven’t left, you haven’t left, and I already miss you
There were too many kisses, but not enough time
And if you don’t come back, if you don’t come back, I’d rather fool myself 
You haven’t left, you haven’t left, but

Aunque nuestras rosas se mueran
Sé muy bien que la primavera llegará
Aunque no estemos juntos
Cuando ya no me duela

Even if our roses die
I know that spring will come
Even if we’re not together
When it no longer hurts

Quisiera hablarte, y aunque haga daño
Prefiero herirme antes que irme y ser dos extraños
Sobraron besos, faltaron años
Y si no vuelves, si tú no vuelves mejor me engaño
Tú no te has ido (Tú no te has ido)
Tú no te has ido (Tú no te has ido)
Tú no te has ido, tú no te has ido y yo ya te extraño

I’d like to talk to you, and even if it hurts
I’d rather hurt myself than leave and become strangers
There were too many kisses, but not enough years
And if you don’t return, if you don’t return, I’ll make myself fool
You haven’t left (You haven’t left)
You haven’t left (You haven’t left)
You haven’t left, you haven’t left, and I already miss you

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