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Moño Negro – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Moño Negro” (Black Bow) by Vicente Fernández is a heartfelt ballad that captures the poignant end of a once-beautiful romance. The song reflects the singer’s decision to step away, recognizing that he is no longer needed and does not want to be the cause of any further pain. With a somber tone, he asks for acceptance and resignation, symbolized by a black ribbon on his guitar. The song’s lyrics express the deep emotions of loss and the hope for remembrance when serenades remind the listener of their shared past. Through its evocative imagery and emotional depth, “Moño Negro” poignantly explores themes of farewell and enduring love.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Termina aquel romance tan divino
Te dejo con tu gente favorita
Me voy por no estorbar en tu camino
Acabo tú ya no, ya no me necesitas

Our beautiful romance has ended
I leave you with the people you like
I’m leaving so I don’t bother you anymore
It’s over; you don’t need me anymore

No quiero ser culpable de un fracaso
De rosas tu camino esta cubierto
En cambio yo me pierdo en el ocaso
Y estoy a punto de abandonar el puerto

I don’t want to be the cause of a failure
Your path is covered in roses
Meanwhile, I’m lost in the twilight
And I’m about to leave the shore

No vuelvas a decirme que te duele
Ni digas que tu pecho se desgarra
Acepta cada cosa como viene
Y ponle un moño negro a mi guitarra

Don’t tell me again that it hurts
Or say that your heart is breaking
Accept things as they come
And put a black ribbon on my guitar

Porque ella cuando fuimos tan felices
Te dio las más hermosas emociones
Solo ella comprendió lo que te quise
Y en ella yo compuse tus canciones

Because when we were so happy
She gave you the most beautiful emotions
Only she understood how much I loved you
And I wrote your songs for her

No vuelvas a decirme que te duele
Ni digas que tu pecho se desgarra
Acepta cada cosa como viene
Y ponle un moño negro a mi guitarra

Don’t tell me again that it hurts
Or say that your heart is breaking
Accept things as they come
And put a black ribbon on my guitar

No vuelvas a decirme que te duele
Porque eso si te juro que me mata
Yo voy a ser feliz si me recuerdas
Cuando una vez te lleven serenata

Don’t tell me again that it hurts
Because that truly kills me
I’ll be happy if you remember me
When someone sings to you in a serenade

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