LoveSpanish to English

Mi Lova – Lyrics Meaning in English – Bad Gyal & Myke Tower

‘Mi Lova’ (My Love) is a captivating collaboration between Bad Gyal and Myke Towers, blending their distinct styles to create an irresistible urban anthem. With its infectious beat and sensual lyrics, the song explores themes of desire, attraction, and the intoxicating allure of a passionate connection. Bad Gyal’s seductive vocals combined with Myke Towers’ smooth delivery make for a dynamic pairing that keeps listeners hooked from start to finish. Let yourself be drawn into the world of ‘Mi Lova’ as Bad Gyal and Myke Towers deliver a mesmerizing musical experience.

Singer: Bad Gyal & Myke Tower

Myke Towers, baby
Bad Gyal

No creo en la suerte (la suerte, yeah, yeah)
Estaba escrito conocerte

I don’t believe in luck (luck, yeah, yeah)
It was written to meet you

Nos buscamo’ a sola’
Yo te bailo, tú tócame
Tiro el humo en tu boca
Poco a poco ablandándote
Ese nene es mi lova
El que me quita la ropa (el que te quita la ropa)
Bebe whisky a la roca
Me encanta cómo mira y cómo me coloca

We look for each other alone
I dance with you, you touch me
I exhale smoke into your mouth
Slowly softening you up
That boy is my lover
Who takes off my clothes (you’re one who takes off my clothes)
Drinks whiskey on the rocks
I love how he looks at me and how he places me

Me eleva la nota
A las otras las bota
De mirarte me desnudé
Si termina, quiere otra ve’

Raises the note for me
He kicks out the others
I undressed from looking at you
If it ends, he wants another round

Ella no se enamora, pero yo ‘toy pa’ ti, my lova
Quiere squirtear, pero conmigo es que lo logra
Yo te aprecio, de arte tú ere’ una obra
Sé bien que los hombre’ a ti te sobran
Pero si ella me baila y yo la toco
Vamo’ pa’l sexo, poco a poco
Esa pussy huele a Chanel y sabe a coco
Con ella es que yo me enfoco
Yo no sé si fue que el universo conspiró
O si fue el destino o lo que sea que me inspiró
Pero me puse pa’ ella a la que me tiró
Se lo puse en el Airbnb que se alquiló

She won’t love, but I’m here for you, my lover
She wants to squirt, but with me is when she finds it
I appreciate you, your body is a masterpiece
I know you’re surrounded by men
But if she dances with me and I touch her
We’re heading for sex, slowly
That thing smells like Chanel and tastes like coconut
With her, I’m focused
I don’t know if it was the universe conspiring
Or if it was destiny or whatever inspired me
But I got ready for her, the one who sought me out
I satisfied her in the Airbnb she rented

Yo la conocí en Madrid, pero ella es de Barcelona
Compra Fendi solo en Roma
Quiero que en mis sábanas dejes tu aroma
Ya las otras saben que ere’ la patrona

I met her in Madrid, but she’s from Barcelona
She only buys Fendi in Rome
I want you to leave your scent on my sheets
The others already know you’re the boss lady

Baby, nos buscamo’ a sola’
Yo te bailo, tú tócame
Tiro el humo en tu boca
Poco a poco ablandándote
Ese nene es mi lova
El que me quita la ropa (Bad Gyal)
Bebe whisky a la roca
Me encanta cómo mira y cómo me coloca

Baby, we find each other alone
I dance for you, you touch me
I blow smoke into your mouth
Slowly softening you up
That boy is my lover
The one who takes off my clothes (Bad Gyal)
Drinks whiskey on the rocks
I love how he looks and how he places me

Me eleva la nota
A las otras las bota
De mirarte me desnudé
Si termina, quiere otra ve’ (Bad Gyal)

The note lifts me up
The others get kicked out
I undressed from looking at you
If it over, he wants to do it again (Bad Gyal)

Desde que probaste yo te tengo aloca’o (ay)
Cuando se te para e’ porque en mí has pensa’o (sí)
Dime si tú así con otra has conecta’o (qué va)
Él come dos veces porque come calla’o
Fumándome un porro, él me besa toda
Antes de mojarla se come la torta
Su plato favorito, soy quien se le antoja
Él no se me agota y quiere má’, má’
Y tú tienes el tamaño que e’
Y yo soy lo que te conviene
Si estoy encima de ti, te viene’
Y tú, qué cachonda que me tiene’

Since you tried it, I’ve had you crazy (oh)
When it gets hard, it’s because you’ve thought of me (yeah)
Tell me if you felt this way with anyone else like this (no way)
He eats twice because he eats quietly
Smoking a joint, he kisses me all over
Before getting intimate, he eats the cake
I’m his favorite dish, I’m what he want
He doesn’t get tired of me and wants more, more
And you have the right fit
And I’m what you need
If I’m on top of you, you enjoy it
And you, how horny you make me

Lo que te gusta es cuando del cuello yo te agarro
Los dos sudando, las cadena’ chocando
Te miro desde arriba y tú cómodo allí abajo
‘Taba destinado

What you like is when I grab you by the neck
We’re both sweating, our chains making noise
You’re comfortable down there as I look down at you
It was meant to be

Y Nos buscamo’ a sola’
Yo te bailo, tú tócame
Tiro el humo en tu boca
Poco a poco ablandándote
Ese nene es mi lova
El que me quita la ropa
Bebe whisky a la roca
Me encanta cómo mira y cómo me coloca

And we look for each other alone
I dance with you, you touch me
I exhale smoke into your mouth
Slowly softening you up
That boy is my lover
The one who takes off my clothes
Drinks whiskey on the rocks
I love how he looks at me and how he places me

Me eleva la nota
A las otras las bota
De mirarte me desnudé
Si termina, quiere otra ve’

Raises the note for me
He kicks out the others
I undressed from looking at you
If it ends, he wants another round

Bad Gyal
Bad Gyal
Bad Gyal
Cachonda que me tiene
Qué cachonda que me tiene
Qué cachonda que me tiene

Bad Gyal
Bad Gyal
Bad Gyal
She drives me wild
She drives me wild
She drives me wild

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