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Me Tienes Mimado – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Me Tienes Mimado” (You’ve Got Me Spoiled)is a heartfelt song by Vicente Fernández that beautifully captures the depth of love and admiration for a special person. In this song, the singer expresses his profound appreciation for his partner, who brings light and warmth to his life without needing to change a thing. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a love so powerful that it transforms the singer’s world, making him feel completely cherished and adored. With its tender words and affectionate tone, this song is a celebration of a love that is both playful and deeply fulfilling, highlighting the joy of being loved by someone who truly understands and values you.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Tú no necesitas pintarte la cara para verte bella
Con una sonrisa le das a tu rostro la luz de una estrella
Tú naciste bella de pies a cabeza, sin más discusiones
Y eres, en mi barrio, la dueña absoluta de mil corazones

You don’t need to paint your face to be beautiful
With a smile, you give your face the light of a star
You were born beautiful from head to toe, no more debates
And in my neighborhood, you are the absolute owner of a thousand hearts

Yo que entre las flores soy el jardinero, el que siempre escoge
Tú te das el lujo de hacer de mi vida lo que se te antoje
Yo que siempre he sido gorrión de mil vuelos, jamás enjaulado
Ya pa qué le busco, si estoy convencido, tú me has atrapado

I’m the gardener who tends the flowers, always the one to choose
You take the liberty of doing whatever you please with my life 
I, who have always been a sparrow of a thousand flights, never caged 
Why fight anymore? I’m convinced you’ve caught me

Hay flores en la tierra que, aparte de bellas, perfuman la vida
Y tú eres de ellas
Le has dado a mi existir lo sabroso del mundo, este amor tan profundo
Te has vuelto mi estrella

There are flowers on this earth that, besides being beautiful, bring fragrance to life
And you are one of them
You’ve brought the sweetness of life to my existence, this deep love
You’ve become my guiding star

Contigo tengo todo, la amante, la amiga, la cómplice eterna
Mi ángel adorado
Y en nuestra intimidad eres esa traviesa que me vuele loco
Me tienes mimado

With you, I have all: the lover, the friend, the eternal accomplice
My beloved angel
And when we’re alone, you’re that playful one who drives me crazy
You’ve got me spoiled

Contigo tengo todo, la amante, la amiga, la cómplice eterna
Mi ángel adorado
Y en nuestra intimidad eres esa traviesa que me vuele loco
Me tienes mimado

With you, I have all, the lover, the friend, the eternal accomplice 
My beloved angel
And when we’re alone, you’re that playful one who drives me crazy
You’ve got me spoiled

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