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Luz – Lyrics Meaning in English – TIMØ

“Luz” (Light) is a heartfelt song by TIMØ that explores the transformative power of love. In the midst of darkness and despair, the singer finds unexpected light and warmth when love enters their life. The lyrics poignantly describe the journey from skepticism to belief, from loneliness to companionship, and from darkness to light. TIMØ’s soulful vocals and emotive delivery bring to life the message of hope and renewal conveyed in the song. “Luz” is a reminder that love has the power to illuminate even the darkest of times, bringing peace and brightness to our lives.

Singer: TIMØ

La verdad no pensaba enamorarme
Para no lastimarme dejé de creer
Yo tenía mi vida hecha un desastre
Ya había puesto mi corazón en alquiler

To be honest I never thought to fall in love
I stopped believing to not hurt me
My life was like a disaster
I had already put my heart up for rent

Pero sentí el calor
En medio del dolor
La vida en blanco y negro ahora es de color
No encontraba razones para amarme
Y tú me diste un millón

But I felt the heat
In the middle of the pain
Life in black and white is now in color
I couldn’t find reasons to love myself
And you gave me a million

Cuando cambiaste mi invierno con tu primavera
No creía en el amor, hiciste que creyera
Cuando llegaste tú
Y me prendiste la luz

When you changed my winter with your spring
I didn’t believe in love, you made me believe
When you arrived
And turned on the light for me

Tú trajiste la paz en medio de mi guerra
Estaba tan oscuro antes de que vinieras
Y prendiste la luz
Me prendiste la luz

You brought peace in my war
It was really dark before you came
And you turned on the light
You made my life bright

No sé qué fue lo que viste en este pobre corazón
Acostumbrado a la sombra y olvidado en un cajón
Cuando te conocí
Se empezó a confundir
No pensaba que aún podía latir
Yo que nunca creí en un final feliz
Hasta que lo viví

I don’t know what you saw in this pity heart
Accustomed to the shadows and forgotten in a drawer
When I met you
It began to get confused
I never thought it could still beat
I, who never believed in a happy ending
Until I lived it

Cuando cambiaste mi invierno con tu primavera
No creía en el amor, hiciste que creyera
Cuando llegaste tú
Y me prendiste la luz

When you changed my winter with your spring
I didn’t believe in love, you made me believe
When you arrived
And turned on the light for me

Tú trajiste la paz en medio de mi guerra
Estaba tan oscuro antes de que vinieras
Y prendiste la luz
Me prendiste la luz

You brought peace in my war
It was really dark before you came
And you turned on the light
You made my life bright

Me prendiste la luz

You turned on the light for me

Viste mi corazón aunque yo no tuviera
Me traté de alejar por miedo a que doliera
Pero llegaste tú
Pero llegaste tú
Tú trajiste la paz en medio de mi guerra
Estaba tan oscuro antes de que vinieras
Y prendiste la luz
Me prendiste la luz
Prendiste la luz

You saw my heart even when I didn’t have
I tried to stay away from fear of hurt
But then you came
But then you came
You brought peace in the middle of my war
It was really dark before you came
And you turned on the light
You turned on the light
You turned on the light

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