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Los Albañiles – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Los Albañiles” (The Bricklayers) performed by the iconic Vicente Fernández, is a song that pays tribute to the hard-working bricklayers, celebrating their resilience, camaraderie, and the pride they take in their work. Through vivid lyrics, the song highlights the joys and struggles of these men who toil with lime and sand, making music out of the noise of their labor. The song also touches on themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the importance of enjoying life’s pleasures despite the challenges the world presents. With Fernández’s powerful voice, “Los Albañiles” becomes a heartfelt anthem that honors the dignity and spirit of the working class.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Éntrele cuates queridos 
Que los tragos calman penas, 
Mientras que la muerte llega hay que sacarle faena 
Gozaremos de la vida bailando con las morenas

Join in, dear friends
As drinks soothe sorrows
While death approaches, we must make the most of it
We’ll enjoy life dancing with the brunettes

Yo no vengo a ver si puedo 
Sino porque puedo vengo, 
No vengo a pedir favores ni de gordas me mantengo 
Lo que les diga borracho bueno y sano lo sostengo

I can’t come to see if I can
I come because I know I can
I don’t come to ask for favors nor do I live off the fat
What I say when drunk, I stand by when sober

Un infeliz sentimiento es el que ahoga mi pena, 
Porque la ingrata que quiero me ha traicionado a la buena 
Que se me sirva cerveza para calmar esta pena

An unhappy feeling is what drowns my sorrow
Because the ungrateful woman I love has betrayed me openly
Let me be served some beer to ease this pain

Los albañiles son hombres que usan la cal y la arena
El ruido que ellos se cargan es pura plata
Que suena son de la tierra bendita la de la virgen morena

Bricklayers are men who use lime and sand
The noise they make is pure silver
It’s the sound from the blessed land, that of the dark-skinned Virgin

Y no se agüiten
Muchachos que la cuchara es de acero, 
Hay que gozar de placeres, aunque el mundo es traicionero, 
Que vivan los albañiles que saben rolar dinero

And don’t get discouraged
The boys, for the trowel are made of steel
We must enjoy our pleasures, even though the world is treacherous
Long live the bricklayers who know how to roll money

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