French to EnglishLife

L’oiseau De Nuit – Lyrics Meaning in English – Al Hy

L’oiseau De Nuit translates to ‘the night owl’. Al Hy’s lyrics paint a vivid picture of the narrator’s solitary nights filled with self-invented stories and imaginary friends who have been her companions since childhood. Despite the loneliness, there is a sense of empowerment and creativity that comes with being a night owl.

Singer – Al Hy

Je me suis réveillée un soir
Puis j’ai veillé toute la nuit,
Dès lors je n’ai jamais su,
Reprendre un rythme normal.

I woke up one evening
Then I stayed up all night,
From then on I never knew how
To get back to a normal rhythm.

Le jour je dors comme un Loire
Ma peau dans l’ombre a pâli
Le midi je n’le vois plus
Mon ciel est rempli d’étoiles

During the day I sleep like a Loire
My skin in the shadows has turned pale
At midday I no longer see it
My sky is filled with stars

Je suis un oiseau de nuit,
La nuit, je vole
Je vole

I am a night owl,
At night I fly
I fly

Un oiseau de nuit

A night owl

Je m’raconte des histoires
Je m’invente des amis
Parmi eux les plus fidèles
Me suivent depuis mon jeune âge

I tell myself stories
I invent friends
Among them the most faithful
have followed me since I was young

Je fais des rêves de gloire, toute seule,
J’ai préparé des discours, tout seule
Dans lesquels je remercie
Mes amis, oiseaux de nuit

I have dreams of glory, all alone,
I have prepared speeches, all alone
In which I thank
My friends, birds by night

Je suis un oiseau de nuit
La nuit, je vole
Je vole

I am a night owl
At night I fly
I fly

Un oiseau de nuit

A night owl

Un oiseau de nuit
La nuit je vole
Je vole

A night owl
At night I fly
I fly

Un oiseau de nuit

A night owl

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