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Loba – Lyrics Meaning in English – Shakira

“Loba” by Shakira is an energetic Latin pop song celebrating female sensuality. The lyrics convey a confident and free-spirited woman embracing her desires, accompanied by a catchy beat and dynamic vocals.

Singer: Shakira

Sigilosa al pasar
Sigilosa al pasar
Esa loba es especial
Mírala caminar, caminar

Sneaky as she passes by
Sneaky as she passes by
That she-wolf is special
Watch her walk, walk

Quién no ha querido una diosa licántropa
En el ardor de una noche romántica
Mis aullidos son el llamado
Yo quiero un lobo domesticado

Who hasn’t desired a lycanthropic goddess
In the heat of a romantic night
My howls are the call
I want a domesticated wolf

Al fin he encontrado un remedio infalible que borre del todo la culpa
No pienso quedarme a tu lado mirando la tele y oyendo disculpas
La vida me ha dado un hambre voraz, y tú apenas me das caramelos, ay
Me voy con mis piernas y mi juventud por allá, aunque te maten los celos

At last, I’ve found an infallible remedy to erase all guilt completely
I won’t stay by your side watching TV and hearing apologies
Life has given me a voracious hunger, and you only give me candies,oh
I’m leaving with my legs and my youth over there, even if jealousy kills you

Una loba en el armario
Tiene ganas de salir
Deja que se coma el barrio
Antes de irte a dormir

A she-wolf in the closet
Wants to come out
Let her devour the neighborhood
Before you go to sleep

Tengo tacones de aguja magnética
Para dejar la manada frenética
La luna llena, abona fruta
Da consejos y los escucha

I have magnetic stiletto heles
To make the pack go wild
The full moon, fertilizes fruit
Give advice and listen to them

Llevo conmigo un radar especial para localizar solteros
Si acaso me meto en aprietos, también llevo el número de los bomberos
Ni tipos muy lindos, ni divos, ni niños ricos, yo sé lo que quiero (Ah)
Pasarla muy bien y portarme muy mal en los brazos de algún caballero

I carry a special radar to locate singles
If I ever get into trouble, I also have the fire department’s number
Not very handsome guys, nor divos, nor rich kids, I know what I want (Ah)
Have a great time and behave very badly in the arms of some gentlemen

Una loba en el armario
Tiene ganas de salir
Deja que se coma el barrio
Antes de irte a dormir

A she-wolf in the closet
Wants to come out
Let her devour the neighborhood
Before you go to sleep

Cuando son casi la una, la loba en celo saluda a la luna
Duda si andar por la calle o entrar en un bar a probar fortuna
Ya está sentada en su mesa y pone la mira en su próxima presa
Pobre del desprevenido que no se esperaba una de esas

When it’s almost one, the she-wolf in heat greets the moon
She hesitates to walk the streets or enter a bar to test her luck
Now she’s seated at her table, setting her sights on her next prey
Pity the unsuspecting one who didn’t expect one of those

Sigilosa al pasar
Sigilosa al pasar
Esa loba es especial
Mírala caminar, caminar

Sneaky as she passes by
Sneaky as she passes by
That she-wolf is special
Watch her walk, walk

Deja que se coma el barrio
Antes de irte a dormir

Let her devour the neighborhood
Before you go to sleep

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