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La Entrega – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“La Entrega” (The Delivery) performed by the legendary Vicente Fernández, is a powerful ballad of unconditional devotion and self-sacrifice. In this poignant song, Fernández expresses a profound willingness to surrender everything for the sake of love. The lyrics reveal a readiness to endure hardships, fulfill impossible demands, and even relinquish his own life, all in the hope of earning the love and affection of the one he adores. “La Entrega” is a testament to the depth of his commitment and the lengths he is willing to go for the chance to be loved in return.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Me entrego a ti
sin condición alguna
Haz de mi vida entera lo que quieras
Con tal de que tu amor sea mi fortuna
Me dispongo a pecar si lo pidieras

I give myself to you
Without any conditions
You can do whatever you want with my life
As long as your love is my reward
I’m ready to sin if you ask

No importa que me pidas lo imposible
Haría bien o mal si lo exigieras
Sería capaz de todo lo indecible
A fin de que en tus brazos me durmiera

It doesn’t matter if you ask for the impossible
I’d do right or wrong if you demanded it
I’d be capable of anything
Just to fall asleep in your arms

Haría por ti
con sinceridad
Mil cosas si me las ordenas
Me esclavizaría
toda una eternidad
Por solo librarte de penas

I’d do a thousand things for you
With sincerity
If you asked
I’d be your slave
For all eternity
Just to free you from sorrows

Mi vida
vendería fácilmente
Y cargaría la cruz si me la dieras
Renunciaría a todo, simplemente
A cambio de que un día me quisieras

I’d easily sell
My life
And bear the cross if you gave it to me
I’d give up everything, simply
For the chance that one day you’d love me

¡Ah, ja, ja, ja, ja!

Haría por ti
con sinceridad
Mil cosas si me las ordenas
Me esclavizaría
toda una eternidad
Por solo librarte de penas

I’d do a thousand things for you
With sincerity
If you asked
I’d be your slave
For all eternity
Just to free you from sorrows

Mi vida
vendería fácilmente
Y cargaría la cruz si me la dieras
Renunciaría a todo, simplemente
A cambio de que un día me quisieras

I’d easily sell
My life
And bear the cross if you gave it to me
I’d give up everything, simply
For the chance that one day you’d love me

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