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Flor Pálida – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marc Anthony

“Flor Pálida” (Pale Flower) by Marc Anthony is a heartfelt ballad that tells the story of finding love and nurturing it back to life, using the metaphor of a withered flower. Through tender care and affection, the protagonist revives the flower, symbolizing the renewal of lost love. As the flower blossoms, so does love, bringing warmth and color to the protagonist’s life. The song beautifully captures the essence of love’s transformative power and the promise of eternal devotion.

Singer: Marc Anthony

Hallé una flor
Un día en el camino
Que apareció marchita y deshojada
Ya casi pálida, ahogada en un suspiro
Me la llevé a mi jardín para cuidarla

I found a flower
On the road one day
That appeared withered and stripped of petals
Almost pale, suffocated in a sigh
I took it to my garden to care for it

Aquella flor de pétalos dormidos
A la que cuido hoy con todo el alma
Recuperó el color que había perdido
Porque encontró un cuidador que la regara

That flower with sleepy petals
Whom I look after today with all my heart
Regained the color it had lost
Because it found a caregiver who watered it

Le fui poniendo un poquito de amor
La fui abrigando en mi alma
Y en el invierno le daba calor
Para que no se dañara

I gave it a little bit of love
I sheltered it in my soul
In winter, I kept it warm
So it stayed safe

De aquella flor hoy el dueño soy yo
Y he prometido cuidarla
Para que nadie le robe el color
Para que nunca se vaya

Today, I am the owner of that flower
And I promised to take care of it
So that no one steals its color
So that it never goes away

De aquella flor surgieron tantas cosas
Nació el amor que un día se había perdido
Y con la luz del sol se fue la sombra
Y con la sombra la distancia y el olvido

So many things sprouted from that flower
Love was born that had once been lost
And with the sunlight, the shadow vanished
And with the shadow, the distance and the forgetfulness

Le fui poniendo un poquito de amor
La fui abrigando en mi alma
Y en el invierno le daba calor
Para que no se dañara

I gave it a little bit of love
I sheltered it in my soul
In winter, I kept it warm
So it stayed safe

De aquella flor hoy el dueño soy yo
Y he prometido cuidarla
Para que nadie le robe el color
Para que nunca se vaya

Today, I am the owner of that flower
And I promised to take care of it
So that no one steals its color
So that it never goes away

Le fui brindando cariño un poquito de amor (para que nunca se vaya)
Y en el invierno llenó mi jardín de color (para que nunca se vaya)
Ay, cuando la vi, me enamoré y me la llevé, me la llevé
Ave María, Puerto Rico
Ataca Sergio

I kept giving it affection, a little bit of love (so it never goes away)
In winter, it filled my garden with color (so it never goes away)
Oh, when I saw her, I fell in love and took her with me, took her with me
Ave Maria, Puerto Rico
Sergio attacks

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