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Desde Afuera – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marco Antonio Solís

“Desde Afuera” (From Outside) is a heartfelt song by Marco Antonio Solís that delves into the profound complexity of love and understanding in relationships. The lyrics offer a thoughtful reflection on the essence of truly loving a woman—emphasizing selflessness, sincerity, and the courage to embrace vulnerability. Through poetic lines, the song contrasts the paths of falsehood and authenticity in love, highlighting the incomparable warmth and strength a woman brings to a man’s life. It serves as a reminder that love requires genuine effort and deep comprehension, urging those who cannot grasp its depth to remain mere observers. “Desde Afuera” is a beautiful ode to love, respect, and emotional connection, showcasing Solís’s mastery in capturing human emotions.

Singer: Marco Antonio Solís

Para entender a una mujer
Hay que saberse desprender del egoísmo
Hay que saber pedir perdón
Sentir latir su corazón contigo mismo
Hay que bañarse con su ternura
Cada mañana, hacerla reina, cada semana

To truly understand a woman
You must be honest
You must know to say sorry
Feel her heart beating with your own
You must bathe in her tenderness
Every morning, make her a queen every week

Si a una mujer sientes amar
Solo se puede caminar por dos senderos
El de mentir para ganar
O el de perder pero por algo verdadero
Si el cielo es grande es mas inmenso decir mi cielo
Cerrar los ojos, en pleno vuelo

If you are in love with s woman
There are only two paths to take
The one of lying to win
Or losing for something true
If the sky is wide, it’s even greater to say “my sky,”
Eyes closed, in the middle of the flight

Porque no es lo mismo
No el saberse amado
Que amar y el amor nunca debe esperar
Si se sabe llorar de a de veras
Para el frío de un hombre
No hay como el calor de una mujer
Si no alcanzas esto a comprender
Mejor juega a querer, desde afuera

Because it’s not the same
To know you’re loved
As to love, and love should never wait
If you truly know how to cry
For a man’s cold
There’s nothing like a woman’s warmth
If you can’t understand this,
It’s better to play in love from the outside

Porque no es lo mismo
No el saberse amado
Que amar y el amor nunca debe esperar
Si se sabe llorar de a de veras
Para el frío de un hombre
No hay como el calor de una mujer
Si no alcanzas esto a comprender
Mejor juega a querer, desde afuera

Because it’s not the same
To know you’re loved
As to love, and love should never wait
If you truly know how to cry
For a man’s cold
There’s nothing like a woman’s warmth
If you can’t understand this
It’s better to play in love from the outside

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