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Campanas Del Olvido – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Campanas Del Olvido” (The Bells of Forgetfulness) is a poignant song by Vicente Fernández that delves into the themes of heartbreak, longing, and the inevitable passage of time. Through its deeply emotional lyrics, the song paints a picture of love lost and the painful process of moving on. The ringing of the “bells of forgetfulness” symbolizes the finality of a relationship, where the singer prays for his beloved to forget him, even as he offers his own suffering as a sacrifice. Fernández’s powerful voice amplifies the sorrow and resignation in this touching ballad, making it a stirring reflection on love, memory, and letting go.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Las campanas del olvido anuncian
Que te vas por fin
Tu partida obscurece mi cielo
Las campanas del olvido marcan
Hoy un triste final

The bells of forgetfulness announce
You’re finally leaving
Your departure darkens my sky
The bells of forgetfulness mark
Today, a sad ending

Para siempre termina mi anhelo
Corazoncito lindo tu dolor es olvido
Nacido de la duda
Pudo más que el cariño

Forever ends my longing 
Sweet little heart, your pain is now forgotten 
Born from doubt 
It was stronger than the love.

En mis ruegos más fervientes a Dios
Solo por ti pediré
Pa’ que olvides muy pronto mi vida

In my most fervent prayers to God
I will only ask for you
So that you quickly forget about me

Y si alguna vez me pides perdón
En el camino del mal
Mi sendero será el más allá
Corazoncito lindo así vete desnudo
Te ofrendaré mi sangre
A cambio de tu olvido

And if you ever ask me for forgiveness
On the path of wrongdoing
My path will be the afterlife
Sweet little heart, go on bare and exposed
I will offer you my blood
In exchange for your forgetting

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